How Can I Make My Kitchen Cabinets Look Better?

How Can I Make My Kitchen Cabinets Look Better?

Are you out of ideas about making your kitchen cabinets look better? Here is a piece that discusses your options enough to give them the transformative look you seek.

You will be surprised by how easy it is to give your kitchen cabinets a better look. Some of the methods are cheap, whereas others are expensive. Therefore, you get to choose one that fits your budget excellently.

Others may need professional assistance from contractors, like, but others are simple enough for a layperson to implement. You must be excited to refresh your kitchen space as soon as possible. So, without much ado, let’s discuss the tricks you can apply to transform your kitchen cabinets for the better.

Texturing Your Kitchen Cabinets

Texturing Your Kitchen Cabinets

Interestingly, this is one of the easiest ways of making your kitchen cabinets look better. However, it can also be difficult, and the complexity depends on your chosen texturing method. Your texturing options include decoupage, staining, painting, and sanding.

Changing the Kitchen Cabinet Doors

Changing the Kitchen Cabinet Doors

Instead of replacing your kitchen cabinets, you can change their doors. It helps the kitchen cabinets without spending much money or time on the project. Remember to measure the existing doors to ensure you buy excellent fits.

Regardless, be prepared for additional adjustments as you fix the doors due to unavoidable error margins.

Alternatively, change the style of the existing doors without removing them. An excellent way of achieving that is by adding trim or new hardware.

Modifying the Kitchen Cabinet Handles

Modifying the Kitchen Cabinet Handles

You will be surprised to see how changing kitchen cabinet handles can make them look better. It may be easy and simple but quite effective in this respect. Besides, it is a perfect do-it-yourself (DIY) project, not forgetting that it doesn’t require much time.

Again, remember to measure the holes the old handles occupied before buying new handles. It is easy to find excellent cabinet handles at an affordable price. If you aren’t a handy person, professionals such as HomeBuddy can also make these changes at an affordable price.



Whitewash is an exemplary finish if you want to make your kitchen oak cabinets look better. You don’t have to worry about making such cabinets dark since the oak loses part of its essence. Even if you are an amateur, applying this finish won’t be hard.

Whereas any fresh paint can do, latex paint is advisable. It makes cleaning up afterward quite easy. If you are a beginner, start with a white basecoat. Upon drying, apply a second coat of water-based white paint.

Mix water and paint in a ratio of 1:3 for a perfect look. A brush applies this mixture evenly. After 15 minutes, use a clean cloth to wipe away excess paint. Finally, add a clear topcoat that serves as a perfect sealant.

Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets

Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets

If you have plain cabinets, you can transform them using good paint. You can opt for a uniform color and blend different ones. Ensure the combination of the various types is suitable. Besides painting, add new hardware, but only once the paint dries.

Installing Under Cabinet Lighting

Installing Under Cabinet Lighting

Lighting is also known for making kitchen cabinets look better. Besides beauty, it also means enjoying more light in your kitchen. The list of the benefits of good lighting in your kitchen is long, hence the need to consider such a transformative idea.

Remember to choose the ideal lighting that complements your kitchen design while serving its purpose. Otherwise, it might look out of place, thus worsening the situation. Lighting usually comes with instructions; you can follow them to install them easily. The installation spot is equally important since you don’t want one that jeopardizes the lighting visibility.

Consider Molding

Consider Molding

Here is yet another way of making your kitchen look better without doing much. You don’t even need special skills or tools to implement it. Besides being easy, you don’t need much time to add molding to your cabinets.

The right molding should complement the style of your kitchen cabinets, too. When choosing an appropriate molding, attach caulk or glue to your cabinets. Other than the cabinet exterior, molding is also suitable for its exterior.

Two-tone Fresh Paint Coating

Two-tone Fresh Paint Coating

A two-toned paint coat is suitable if you want something simple yet makes your kitchen cabinets look better. Besides, it is easy to implement and requires no special skills. The lower cabinets can have one color, whereas their upper counterparts get another.

It doesn’t mean you can’t use the same color or different shades of the same color. All that matters is a perfect blend or contrast in the end. Add new hardware to take the new look to another level.

Distressing Your Kitchen Cabinets

Distressing Your Kitchen Cabinets

It would be best to have paint to distress the kitchen cabinets. However, you must know when to stop painting for a perfect look.

Expect your cabinets to look excellent regardless of the door’s style if you distress them well. The procedure begins with painting the kitchen cabinet doors using a light base coat color.

Wait for it to dry, and use a darker shade of that color for the second coating. After the second coat dries, lightly distress the surfaces and edges using sandpaper.

Use Temporary Wallpaper

Use Temporary Wallpaper

A great wallpaper can do the trick if you don’t want to paint. Ensure you use beautiful wallpaper so the kitchen cabinets look better.

The best thing about the wallpaper is that it is temporary. So, as soon as it outlives its purpose, you can easily eliminate it. Besides, there are various options to choose from. You also don’t need a professional to hand it.


You have many ways of making your kitchen cabinets look better. Some solutions, such as the under cabinet lighting, have more than one use. After all, they provide lighting in addition to beautifying your cabinets.

Most of them don’t require expertise to apply. Therefore, they are perfect for DIY enthusiasts. However, experts will offer installation services if you don’t like DIY projects. You won’t have to pay much either; it is an ideal project even when working on a tight budget.

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