Pumpkin Fizz Cocktail


Happy Monday!  Hope you all had a great weekend!  It’s the month of pumpkins and costumes and all things scary and sweet!  SO, of course, this pumpkin fizz cocktail is perfectly appropriate!  It would be such a fun drink to serve at a Halloween party- so festive and colorful and fun!  Ok, so who is going to have the party, make the cocktails and invite me?  Because our entire lives are going to be packed up during Halloween this year, which is a tragedy of sorts, right?  I probably won’t even get to wear a costume (playing the world’s tiniest violin for myself).  So I’m asking all of you who celebrate Halloween to celebrate it extra hard this year, the little extra for me!  Thank you in advance!!!  xx- Sarah  {This post was produced in collaboration with Sarah Dickenson}

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Kale and Roasted Red Kuri Squash Salad


So you may have seen on my Instagram- we accepted an offer on the house Thursday and are officially under contract! (!!!!)  It happened so fast, it was a whirlwind week and now we’re scrambling to figure out our next move.  We were thinking we’d travel for a bit and then find a place to rent when we get back, but when it started to become something that was actually going to happen we realized that we don’t have the cojones for that plan (insert worried emoji face here).  We feel like we’d be a little lost without a home base and we worried that the transition would be hard on the pups.  So, we’re looking for a rental in San Diego- the city where we met & fell in love, the incredible town that still houses so many of our favorite people!  And then, after we’ve settled for a hot minute we’re going to take the Bali trip we postponed when Carlos moved in with us.  I think we could use a couple of weeks of serious downtime to just breathe and count our lucky stars.  We seem to have a lot of them and we’re crazy grateful!  Thank you so much for all of the kind words on our house tour, for sharing the excitement with us, for being the raddest group of peoples in all of the internet!  And now, kale and roasted red kuri squash salad.  Red kuri squash is one of my absolute favorite of the winter squashes, if you haven’t tried it track it down and make it please!!!  xx- Sarah

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Pea & Mint Pesto and a Giveaway with Origins!


I was crazy excited when Origins asked me to produce a recipe inspired by their Plantscription collection because, and I do not say this lightly, I’m OBSESSED with their products!  Formulated without harmful parabens, phthalates, or propylene glycol, the anti-aging Plantscription collection contains highly potent plant ingredients sourced from all over the world.  They created this charming video to speak to some of the ingredients found in the formula and I used it to inspire today’s recipe with PEAS!  Who knew these delicious little green nuggets could make your dinner so amazing while also helping to combat signs of aging in your skin?  Ok, so this pea pesto recipe is incredible and worthy of all my excitement-  BUT IT GETS BETTER!   Origins is going to give one lucky reader everything that you see below, a $500 gift basket of Plantscription goodness, including the Plantscription anti-aging power serum.  These are products I use and adore, so I know you’re going to love them too!  Please pop over to the Origins website to check out the full collection and leave a comment below about which product you’re most excited to try.  The lucky winner will be chosen randomly one week from today.  Please read official rules and regulations here.  Good luck everyone!  xx- Sarah

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Kale and Asian Pear Salad


I picked up the absolute sweetest, crispest, loveliest Asian pears at the farmer’s market recently and was reminded that of all pears, they’re the ones that truly have my heart.   I love them in this warm kale salad because they’re truly the star, it’s just such a nice way to highlight their amazingness.  And their sweetness, with the tart dressing and the pecans- divine!  Ok, I could obviously wax on about Asian pears for days, which is so weird of me, so I’m going to stop just short of the moment you decide I should probably get a hobby.  But make this salad, I know you’ll love it!  xx- Sarah

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Baked Stuffed Sweet Potatoes


Oh, hey.  It’s me.  I’ve got these sweet potato things for you.  It’s not a big deal, really, it will just CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER.  It’s just sweet potato, spicy black beans, cilantro, lime crema, avocado. A magical combination of so many things that are ridiculously delicious coming together to make your mouth dance, kinda like this.   No biggie.  xx- Sarah

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Israeli Couscous Summer Salad


Do you love Israeli couscous as much as I do?!  I can’t be stopped.  It’s not technically part of #EatCleanAugust since it’s processed (and for those of you who are avoiding gluten it’s a no-go!), but the month is almost over and we’ll need some healthy recipes to ease us into incorporating some lightly processed foods into our diets.  And I couldn’t imagine a better one to start with.  Light, Summer-y, full of flavor and texture- this salad is a dream, I promise you’ll love it!  xx- Sarah

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