Beginner's Guide Modern Coastal Chandelier Styles

Beginner’s Guide: Modern Coastal Chandelier Styles

Ancient Greek philosopher Plato once said that the sea cures all ailments of man. What a beautiful and essentially true thing to say. It would be even better to bring the ocean to your home and let its vibe speak for itself. Trendy coastal chandeliers are the best way to do it. A large decorative art piece hanging in the center of your space is always a point of attraction, and there is nothing better if that element has sea energy.

It not only makes the feel of the place vast but also induces a sense of calmness and peace. With its light and other decorative parts, the chandelier can be made even more breathtaking.

Now that you know you would like to add a coastal chandelier to your home, you will have to figure out which one to buy because the vastness of the sea has given rise to millions of designs and colors. Don’t worry, and we are happy to help you with some of the most popular themes and colors. Let’s have a look one by one.

Colors in Trend for Coastal-Themed Chandeliers

Colors are the primary feature that is noticed when looking at anything and everything. They can make and break the whole look. They have the power to make people feel things according to their shade.

For example, different shades of red evoke feelings like love, energy, excitement, and anger. It is up to the decorator that which feeling or look they are going for. However, some popular colors of chandeliers are in these days and look fabulous.

1. Whites and Creams

Whites and creams will always be those evergreen shade for interior designing that never goes out of style, as these colors perfectly balance out all the other not-so-plain pieces of furniture. Choosing a chandelier with this color palette can be a great choice, especially if you want a sophisticated, clean look. Moreover, these subtle shades represent the undertones of sky and water charmingly.

Whites and Creams

2. Blues and Aquas

The blue color is instantly associated with water and sky. So, nothing is better than blue and aqua shades for a coastal chandelier. The variety of shades available in these colors perfectly embodies the different states of the ocean on various levels. These pieces make the space look elegant while giving it a slightly vibrant look.

Blues and Aquas

3. Seafoam Greens

Seafoam greens coastal chandelier is one of the greatest ways to break any mono-tonne look and give it a little oomph factor while not being too obvious about it. You can even select the intensity of the shade you would like to add and bind the whole look together.

Sea Life and Marine Creatures

4. Sandy Beiges and Browns

One of the best things about the sea is the beach area, where sand and water create such a unique, beautiful, and natural contrast of colors. Different tonnes of sand give the colors of the sea an empty canvas to build its shade on them. Similarly, you can add a beige and brown chandelier to maintain a synchronized look for your space. It not only looks down to earth but gives a look of effortless class.

Sandy Beiges and Browns

Popular Themes

Regarding chandeliers, talking about themes is like trying to choose one chocolate from a box full. The varieties and combinations are endless, but here we will look at some of the most popular and gorgeous ones.

1. Nautical

This theme is perfect for all the sailors out there who absolutely love everything about sea, navigation, and sea time. A coastal chandelier of this theme will be a great memorable piece for all those memories you made on waves while living some of the best days of your life. It’s a perfect tribute to who you are at your core.


2. Beachy Boho

Boho is a style that is hard to go out of fashion. Everybody loves those delicate, beachy, wavy patterns, whether on a skirt or a bedsheet in the room. There is a different kind of flowy harmony that these patterns bring to the space. So, it is quite obvious that they are popular amongst chandeliers too. Just look for one that speaks to you as it is such a personal kind of style, and that will be enough.

Beachy Boho

3. Sea Life and Marine Creatures

It might be a punishable crime if we talk about the sea and forget about its beautiful biodiversity consisting of millions of creatures. How can we not? The mere variety of the shapes, the designs, and the colors that these creatures offer are purely artistic. Chandeliers, which accommodate the sea life, can be the ultimate decorative piece to make your home picture-perfect.

Sea Life and Marine Creatures

4. Tropical Paradise

While it is true that tropical themes are not directly connected to the sea, if you think about any tropical vacation place, you will always think about beautiful scenery on the beach while having a drink and just enjoying the sunset. This feeling of bliss can be a part of your home by simply adding a chandelier that you think represents the scenery. Crystal chandeliers imitating a tree design are popular and look spectacular.

Tropical Paradise

Final Thoughts

We hope that through this guide, you learned about some of the things you need to look for in a chandelier. In the end, the best piece of advice for interior designing is always to do what feels best for you. Trends may come and go, but your home should always be a space that represents you and your values. These popular styles are here to assist you in what your options are.

Choose the one that you think will be sustainable and fit your needs. We hope you find the one soon enough and be a proud keeper.

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