If you’ve never had miso glazed eggplant, well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you’re totally missing out!  Don’t worry though, I’m not just taunting you with photos of these delicious little suckers.  There’s a recipe. And you should make them.  I’d serve them with homemade sushi, or as a side with these carrot noodles in peanut sauce.  Hop to it my friends!  And if you can find the small, skinny Japanese eggplants those work even better.  xx- Sarah



Miso Glazed Eggplant


5 small eggplants

3/4 cup +1 1/2 tablespoons mirin

1 tablespoon sesame oil

2 tablespoons chickpea miso

1 tablespoon coconut sugar

1/8 teaspoon sea salt


-  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

-  In a small mixing bowl combine 1 1/2 tablespoons of mirin and 1 tablespoon sesame oil.

-  Wash and dry eggplants.  Cut in half and score at a diagonal.

-  Brush eggplants with sesame/mirin mixture and roast for20 minutes.

-  In a small mixing bowl combine 3/4 cup mirin, miso, coconut sugar and sea salt.  Brush eggplants with mixture and return to oven.

-  Roast an additional 20  minutes or until eggplants are soft, brushing with any leftover miso mixture halfway through.

-  Serve immediately!

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Reader Comments

  1. Carrie Coleman|

    Where in the world did you get those plates? And where did you get the gold flatware that you have? I'm sure someone has already asked, but I'm asking again.

  2. myri|

    Can't wait to make these! A friend of mine just found your site and passed it on immediately knowing I would love it, and I do!

    Wondering what is the make of the dinner plate shown with the baby eggplants? Adore them.

    <3 Myri

  3. danielle honea|

    I tell EVERYONE about your website-so amazing, and the images are just as stunning. I just had eggplant tonight, but I'm totally going to try it this way next! thanks!!
