spicy sushi

when i stopped eating meat/dairy/fish (for the most part) one thing i missed like crazy is spicy tuna sushi rolls. then one day i had this epiphany that it wasn't the tuna i missed, it was the spicy sauce. and BOOM, i created these. they're a vegan, healthy, delicious version of the spicy tuna roll. and normally i'm not really into that whole idea of trying to make a vegan version of something that is based on a very non-vegan ingredient. like vegan bacon? i could go on and on about how stupid i think that is. but lets's be honest, there's a time & place for hypocrisy and that time, my friends, is now! recipe below, hope you love.
that was a little misleading, this isn't really a recipe because this is just so easy to make it's silly. but, in case you are the type of chef (i use that word loosely, no pressure) that needs to follow some specific sort of guidelines in the kitchen, here you go!
the what:
1 can of organic hearts of palm
2 medium beets
1 ripe avocado, thinly sliced
2 cups of brown rice, cooked and cooled to room temperature
vegeniase (my preferred brand of vegan mayonaise)
toasted nori sheets
the how:
i like to do everything in advance, let it all sit for a while in the fridge and then assemble just before eating.
- cook two cups of brown rice *instructions here* and set aside to cool
- wrap beets in foil and roast at 400 degrees until they are easily pierced with a fork. remove from oven, let cool and then you'll be able to wipe the skin and rough parts off with your hands.
- while beets are cooling, chop hearts of palm into tiny pieces (think spicy tuna!). in a small mixing bowl combine the hearts of palm with vegenaise and wasabi. how much of either is really dependant on your taste and preference, so start with a little and keep adding until you have a flavor and consistency you're happy with! you can also substitute wasabi for siracha.
- chop beets into tiny pieces (again, think spicy tuna!) and mix with the veganaise and siracha (i used wasabi, that is tasty as well) the same way you did with the hearts of palm. let both mixtures sit in the fridge and absorb the flavors.
- once the rice is room temperature and fillings are cold, roll into sushi (easy tutorial on sushi rolling here. don't be intimidated if you've never done it, it's really much more simple than it looks!)
- serve with pickled ginger, wasabi, soy sauce and chopsticks. enjoy!

Reader Comments (6)
These look awesome and I'd love to try them out one day. The beets in them look delish! I found a recipe the other day on how to make sushi with quinoa. Maybe I'll combine the 2 recipes together - yum yum
I know what you mean about the "vegan version" of food items. I can't stand the idea of Tofurkey.
Wow! Looks so delicious! Thanks for the lovely recipe :)
These look AWESOME! Everyone always makes fun of me for my fish-free "sushi" but I still love the flavors!
Thanks for sharing!
I just popped back over to see what you have been up to. Congratulations on the house. I can't wait to see how it all progresses! Also - love the sushi recipe. I have to try it and I just so happen to have some fresh garden beets in the fridge.
It's meant to be.
this looks absolutely delicious. I am in the same bandwagon as you (minus the dairy, that is just too hard) so i'm definitely looking for ideas. thank you!
love your blog so much, btw!
I am not a real sushi fan, although I love it during certain times. It is my husband who is craving for sushi often. This spicy version is a treat I wouldn't want him to miss. The beets are adorable, love the vibrant color.
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