How Do Rustic and Farmhouse Styles Differ?

How Do Rustic and Farmhouse Styles Differ?

Whenever home decor elements are discussed, the importance of farmhouse and rustic decoration always finds a crucial place.

These two types of decor are extremely popular forms of styling that add a great degree of character wherever its elements are used.

Both farmhouse and rustic decor aim to create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere; however, their approach differs in achieving the ambiance they want.

On the one hand, farmhouse decor is appreciated for its clean and bright environment, where importance is given to mixing practicality with a modern approach.

Rustic, on the other hand, leans much toward the natural and earthy feel of the home by keeping the feel of raw elements at the center.

In this article, we will deal with all the elements of the two approaches well in style to clarify your selection.

Brief about Farmhouse and Rustic Style

There are several elements to the two approaches where they differ in styling.

Before differentiating between the two elements, let’s explore their actual form.

Farmhouse Decor

The style of decoration considered in this styling encourages a traditional form, which gives a fresh feel.

This style emphasizes the natural elements in the furniture you use, either in your modern or country living room.

Color is kept instead of keeping the wood completely natural. Moreover, the colors are kept in a light shade, giving a delicate feel.

This kind of style is much on the clean, homey, and relaxing side compared to any other option one chooses for their home.

Rustic Decor

On the other hand, the rustic decor style is more inclined to the rougher side and looks to the complete style.

The furniture used is very natural and almost unfinished in look, and the overall tone of the furniture is kept very simple.

The rustic wood has a thick-cut look. The overall styling brings a wooden feel with the color’s darker shade.

The rustic decor is also known as the ‘distressed’ style due to its ambiance. 

Now, with the basic overview of Rustic and Farmhouse decor, let us take a detailed look at the elements of each style.

Key Elements of Farmhouse Decor

Key Elements of Farmhouse Decor

1. Blending Utility with Practicality

Right from furniture to the overall decor, the farmhouse style prioritizes the function and the final outlook.

The traditional type of furnishing is preferred over much more complicated ones. 

Without giving importance to the unnecessary stuff, the focus remains on setting a home that exhibits comfort, provides easy accessibility, and is organized.

Spaces in the home are kept open rather than crowded with different kinds of accessories to give importance to practicality in the best possible way.

2. Distressed Elements for Decoration

The farmhouse design massively depends on distressed furniture to create a simple, plain atmosphere with modern comfort.

This includes almost everything from the headboard to kitchen cabinets to other furnishing elements in your place. 

However, the best part about this furniture design is it might not seem in sync with the modern style but is loaded with all the modern amenities made for your use.

3. Use of Light Color 

Light color is given utmost priority in this style to create a cozy environment that holds the potential to grab people’s attention, all for good reasons.

Walls are painted white or in the light shade of one’s choice, and so are the furniture in the home.

4. The Traditional Decor

The fourth and probably the most important element in this decor style is that you would find the decor elements similar to an actual farmhouse.

Homes for farmhouse-style decor will have a stint of upcycled barn doors, a wide range of vintage gardening tools, farmhouse pots, and other earthy elements.

You might also take different kinds of inspiration to decorate your house in that fashion.

Key Elements of Rustic Decor

Key Elements of Rustic Decor

1. Rough and Natural Materials

Unlike painted furniture used in the farmhouse decor style, the key decoration elements in rustic decor completely rely on raw materials.

In place of covering the imperfections of elements used in your decor, rustic decor focuses on prioritizing and embracing all forms of flaws.

2. Dark Colored Palette

You will find the nature-inspired color style in the farmhouse and rustic decor.

However, in the rustic style, a darker theme of styling is opted for to establish grounded rather than create an airy environment.

You might find walls painted in cream or gray, while different accents will be in black, dark blue, or brown shades.

3. Bulky Handmade Furnishing

The rustic design prefers handmade furnishing with its actual base rather than opting for something just meant for the business.

The best advice would be to monitor the building by taking the proper form of guidance. 

Using the conventional elements without trying much with the new interventions will ensure you get the actual kind of furnishing that rustic decor embraces. 

4. Can be Accommodated to a Different Kind of Styling

The best part of this style is that it can be placed in any style one wishes to incorporate.

It is a versatile styling with elements found in different types of designs.

For instance, the Japandi design also flaunts dark colors similar to those used in rustic decor.

While the essence of raw materials and bulky furnishing can be found best in industrial-inspired home designs.

Wrapping it Up

The delightful journey to explore the vibrant design of the farmhouse and rustic decor helps you to create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere.

Both styles denote the importance of form or the other and help bring the aesthetic that you desire to create into your room. 

Though different in approaches from each other, the common goal in both cases is to create a space that is ultimately a class apart. 

Whichever style you choose, ensure you establish a theme that must complement the static arrangement pre-existing in your place.

We hope this detailed guide provided you with enough insights on establishing the difference between the two types of decor. 

Comment your views and recommendations to highlight what element could be added to bring out the best possible look in your setup.

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