Fresh, simple, high quality ingredients combined in just the right way. Food that are bursting with flavor, decadent in their simplicity. That, my friends, is how I’m eating these days. Savoring each bite, appreciating each flavor, celebrating ingredients by letting them shine with simple pairings that highlight their very best attributes. Sweet juicy figs, mint from our neighbor’s garden, the best goat cheese I’ve ever tasted and chopped sprouted walnuts all tossed lightly in a balsamic dijon dressing. Acidic and sweet, salty, punchy flavors. Just perfection on a Summer day. I hope you love! xx- Sarah
Fig, Mint, and Goat Cheese Salad
- Basket of Black Mission Figs, stems removed and halved
- 1/2 bunch of Mint, stems removed and rough chopped
- 1/4 cup Walnuts (sprouted or non-sprouted), rough chopped
- Goat Cheese- to taste
- 1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1/8 cup Balsamic Vinegar
- 1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard
- 2 tablespoons honey
- Maldon Salt
- Combine balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard, garlic, honey and sea salt in a small jar. Shake well to combine. Set aside.
- In a small serving bowl combine figs, mint, walnuts and goat cheese (the perfect amount for my preference was enough so that each bite could contain each of the ingredients!)
- Drizzle dressing (to taste), sprinkle with Maldon salt and serve immediately!
Copyright A House in the Hills
This looks amazing, very tasty. I need to start eating more food like this.
i had the most delicious figs a few weeks ago. they would’ve been perfect in this!
Dayam, you make all food look SO beautiful!!!
It warms my heart to know that figs and goat cheese are delicious foods you can enjoy!
I have a question about the sprouted walnuts. Do you sprout your own or do you have a resource in the US for them, as I’ve not been able to find any sprouted nuts in stores here? 
And many thanks to you for one of your previous posts about your struggles with your health. It has kicked me in the butt and I am now owning Hashimotos and prepared to battle it (and if you haven’t yet purchased Isabella Wents’ book on Hashimotos, I strongly recommend it).
I love everything about this recipe! Great combo of flavors…lovely presentation!
This salad is gorgeous! Fresh figs are almost ripe for the picking now. Can’t wait to make this!
Oh. My. Goodness. This salad features some of my favorite things (figs, mint, + goat cheese) yet I haven’t thought to combine them all into a delicious salad. Absurd. However, I’m so thankful you posted this! It sounds divine and I simply can’t wait to try it out this week.
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