Tips for Staying Healthy Through the Holiday


Hi friends!  The holiday season is officially upon us (horray!!!!) and if you’re anything like me, this time of year poses a particular set of challenges for staying healthy.  I’ve written out my favorite tips and strategies for navigating Thanksgiving in the healthiest, most balanced way possible.  Spoiler: eat your favorite things, just in normal amounts.  Wishing you a healthy, balanced, all-around lovely Thanksgiving!  xx- Sarah  {cocktail recipe here}

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For my state side friends, how was your Thanksgiving?  Ours, well it was something like a romantic comedy.  We have family in town visiting from the east coast and a couple of complications arose that led us to needing to have our Thanksgiving celebration outside of the house.  So we found a great park and Lou and I hauled an entire Thanksgiving feast to be enjoyed on a picnic table there.  We were determined to make it a special, beautiful and delicious meal for our family.  We had one of those days in the kitchen when everything just seems to go a little bit awry, but we’d made it and were fully ready to just enjoy!  We layed out all the food and everyone piled it onto there plates.  The sun was shining, Thanksgiving was saved, it was going to be perfect. {more after the jump}

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happy black friday!


i hope you all had a wonderful holiday! our thanksgiving was sweet and delicious and mellow (and yay, no animals were harmed in the making!). lou has been under the weather so we stayed home and celebrated with just our darling family. and my favorite thanksgiving tradition, feeding the dogs a miniature plate of food they would otherwise never get to eat, was a definite highlight. when our bellies were full i was finally able to convince lou that we’ve waited long enough, so up went our christmas tree! we have so much to be thankful for and although i think we do a fairly decent job of remembering that on a regular basis, it’s so nice to have a day that’s dedicated just to that (and amazing food). so now, let the christmas season begin! i slayed the anthropologie sale this morning- 50% off already reduced items (SO worth the drive down there at 7 am). happy shopping my friends, i hope black fantastic friday is as kind to you as it was to me!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Yates-Mora Clan


We hope that all of you have a fun and tasty holiday!  We’ll be filling our bellies with all of the traditional goodies, boozing, enjoying great friends, taking snaps and being grateful for the wonderful life we share.  XOXO

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