doggy bag


have you started your holiday shopping?  are you playing christmas music yet? I AM!  i can’t wait to get into the baking, decorating and other merriment!  lou won’t let me put the tree up until after thanksgiving, which i think is ridiculous but agree to only so i can then argue that it needs to stay up well past new years- the extra week or two helps me extend those warm holiday fuzzies. ok, it’s possible i have holiday fever.  and i’m especially anxious because our house is still in total disarray and i think that putting some christmas decor up will make me feel better about the patio furniture in our living room.  i mean, hopefully?

ps- see some of what’s on my wishlist here, and my holiday gift guide just for you, here!  i’ve been having so much fun stalking great holiday gifts and updating it, i hope you like!

happy halloween!


bean decided to go understated this year….as a bored bookworm.  halloweens past after the jump!


bean’s first halloween 2006, she was 5 months old.  in case you can’t tell, she was a hula girl.


handmade spandex super hero costume, 2007.  classic bean.



this is my favorite year, she was her nemesis the neighborhood squirrel. 


bean, 2011, as a mummy.