it’s finished! hip hip!






when i posted this cry for help i got a bunch of great ideas for what to put on the wall behind our dining room table, but my favorite idea of all landed in my inbox. interior designer and major talent jessica marx atelier emailed me and suggested i check out this etsy shop for their boucherouite rugs (made of moroccan textiles). brilliant! it’s the perfect textural pop of color, the right size, the right vibe, works with our patrick townsend chandelier. i couldn’t be  happier! what do you think, did we make the right choice or was there another idea you still think would be better? thanks so much to everyone who piped in {and a huge thank you to jessica for taking the time to email!} 

the chalkboard wall that wasn’t



you know how when you’re *almost* done with a room but there’s the one lingering issue still to be solved that keeps you from feeling like it’s complete? meet our dining room. it’s driving me bananas! i don’t know what to do on this chalkboard wall behind our dining room table. we could draw on it- but we’re horrible with chalk. we feel like hanging something there would be weird because of the chandelier. we need help! sos!