Happy Friday! We’ve got a big weekend ahead- painting all day today and tomorrow, with the move-in on Sunday! Cannot wait for the first night in our own bed and the first morning having tea in our backyard….we’ve been dreaming of these moments for what feels like absolutely forever. And I’m just dying to throw myself back into the blog. I’ve been doing all that I can to keep it going but I want to be doing so much more! I have such high hopes for this site, so many dreams about what it can become and how it can empower women, provide inspiration for health and lifestyle, be a place where you call come to add a bit of happiness to your day. And I think I need help (I heard admitting it is the first step). So I’ve decided it’s time to travel down Intern Road.
So here’s what I’m looking for in a potential intern (non-negotiables): must be LOCAL (San Diego), proficient in Photoshop, Word, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and excel at internet scouring. Must have transportation. Must have experience or at least a burning passion for either food, fashion, travel or interior design. MUST MUST MUST be a go-getter, independent powerhouse, high energy, excitable, passionate, driven, innovative, fun-loving person who will entertain the idea of an afternoon dance party if work is finished early. Must love dogs. Here are some bonuses: writing skills, photography skills, creative talents not mentioned above, DIY capabilities or a crafty side, a proclivity for brainstorming, a desire to be a sponge soaking up all there is to learn. Basically I’m looking for a talented ray of sunshine who is looking for a place to shine. Is it YOU?! Email me! [email protected]. Send me something that will showcase YOU, what you’re about, why you think you and I are meant to be. I cannot WAIT to see!
Ok now, links for your weekend! Enjoy every minute as if it were your last weekend, nothing is promised including the weekend after this one. So get outside, feel the sun on your face. Cuddle every creature you love. Fill your mouth with foods that make you feel amazing. Tell everyone you love how much they mean to you. Laugh hard and be happy! And put in a little prayer for us on Sunday moving day, if you think of it. We’ll be hauling all our worldly goods with friends-but also ending the day with beer and pizza! Links below for your fun pleasure and I’ll see you here Monday! xx- Sarah {painting above by Britt Bass}