Happy Friday my friends!  It’s a holiday weekend here in the States, which means lots of celebrating and fun!  We’ll be getting ready to go out on the road in the lady RV for a couple of weeks!  We’re hoping to wander all the way to the redwoods.  But we’ll see where the wind takes us!  I’ll be updating as we go, so I hope you’ll follow along on our adventures!  Until then, some links for the weekend after the jump!  xx- Sarah

LABOR DAY SALE at Shop A House in the Hills!! Enter code LABORDAY15 to receive 15% off all purchases now through midnight on Monday!!!  (Did I mention I’m going to start selling my weavings there are well?  Follow along on our shop Instagram to see when they’ve been added!)

On my home decor wishlist:  this throw blanket, this table lamp, this dresser, these hanging planters, this mortar and pestle, this striped towel.

On my closet wishlist: this tank, this blouse, these sneakers, this winter coat, these winter boots

Currently craving: this!  Aren’t we allllll?

Hair inspiration.  Outfit inspiration.  Healthy Eating inspiration.

We hiked Mt Woodson this week and had a photo op at Potato Chip Rock.  I highly recommend this hike if you’re in the San Diego area!  But my advice- be on the trail by 8 am, you’ll avoid the crowds and won’t be in the blazing sun for quite as long.  It’s a little over 7 miles round trip to the summit.

I’d like to drink this rose wine slushie por favor!!!

Being from Maine, I loved this feature so, so much!

Love these ideas for how to update your rental kitchen!!!

This delicious little feast, please!

And last but not least, time to sign up for your vacation/wellness retreat in FIJI!!!  Email to find out more about spending a week this November getting inspired, fit and healthy with me and January Wellness in the South Pacific!  xx

Outfit in Photo: jeans, tee, jacket   Photography: Lou Mora

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Reader Comments

  1. Raj|

    Hope you have a happy holiday weekend, love those boots!
    Can’t wait to start dressing for fall

  2. Elena|

    Hi Sarah,
    I’m a long time reader and big fan of yours. You look adorable in that picture, my favorite of you by far. Just wanted to say that I love all your work, you are one talented gal. I’m from Vancouver, WA myself, and I’ve got baby #4 due in October, and like you, I face challenges in my life that sometimes feel like Everests-impossible to climb. I love this quote, by Plato I belive, ‘be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle’. This really dawned on me and had me thinking for days about struggles people may be facing, and how I treat those people, and the kind of message I am sending and putting out there. But I am so thrilled for your new found health, and so proud of you for fighting your battles and not giving up. you shared some of the challenges you faced as a child, and while I can’t relate to you there, it sure breaks my heart that your loved ones let you down and failed you as protectors and guardians. Bravo for taking your life in your own hands and becoming as successful as you are. It seems you have a wonderful man by your side who supports you and is there for you for better or worse. Hold on tight to each other and may you both be happy for years to come. You are definitely an inspiration to many. Your honesty and openness make you that much more loveable! Sending all the best your way 🙂 and of course, love the boots for fall, we get so much rain here I need a pair just like these. As always, your taste is impeccable!
    Have a wonderful weekend
