Surprise Summer Sneak-Away


One of my favorite things to do for Lou is to surprise him with weekend get-aways!  In the past I’ve told him to pack a bag and prepare to be away for the weekend, with specifics like “bring a book to read”, “pack a bathing suit”, or “you’ll need a sweater”.  But I dream of one day just packing his bag and heading out for the weekend with him having ZERO CLUES!  The thing is, he’s a way better at packing than I am, he always remembers to bring things like a candle to make the hotel room smell nice, or a bluetooth portable speaker so that we can play music outside if we go for a picnic.  He’s just always way more prepared- I’m always the ones asking him to borrow a scarf or if he remembered to pack an extra toothbrush for me (he always does).  So today, in partnership with Birdling Bags I’m sharing what Lou would pack for a Summer weekend get- away!  (And they’re offering readers 10% off all orders with the code HOUSE10!)

First up:  Lou and I are both obsessed with this compartmentalized weekend bag- I have it in this color.  The canvas is such high quality, the compartments are great for keeping shoes seperate (always the struggle with duffle-type bags!) and it’s exactly the perfect size for a weekend away!  And we love the front pouches for misc, items that get lost in a duffle.  Lou usually packs three pairs of shoes- a pair for dressing up, his go-to Vans, and a pair of sneakers for any outdoor adventures we may have.  He also packs his favorite jeans, tee shirts, and dress shirts as well as his glasses (something I would TOTALLY HAVE FORGOTTEN IF PACKING ON HIS BEHALF), sunglasses, chapstick, book, magazines and an old point and shoot film camera that we take on vacations.  There it it my friends, a perfectly packed weekend duffle for a man!  Now, start planning your weekend getaway surprises- it’s one of those amazing gifts you give to someone else that is SO much fun for yourself too!  Happy Summer!  xx- Sarah



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