
Happy Friday and happy holiday weekend for my stateside pals!  I have some exciting news- I’m looking for contributors interested in sharing their talents with A House in the Hills amazing readers!   I’d love to bring even more inspiration to the table and add outside perspectives to the site, all in the genre of what I’m producing already.  But I’m open to new angles too, if they’re the right fit.  I know you all have so much to share, so much we could all learn from and be inspired by!  If  you have interest in developing a column for A House in the Hills, please email [email protected] with your ideas, what you envision for your column and samples of your work.  Thank you in advance, I’m so looking forward to hearing from you all!  xx- Sarah {image via}

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Reader Comments

  1. Colleda|

    your blog has become one of my favorites because it encompasses so much goodness – it will be interesting to see new changes. keep up the lovely work. hugs.

    • Sarah Yates|

      Thank you so much Colleda! Hopefully it can grow to be even better with the help of some talented and inspiring peeps!

  2. Marejke|

    Dear Sarah, I follow you Blog since the very beginning. I am very grateful that I found it by accident. It really keeps me going and you proof my point, about how beautiful life can be if we want it that way.
    Its all in the little things and making things with love and passion. Keep up the good work.
    I chek your Blog almost everyday, and feel so close to you, even living far away in Germany.
    You are realy good with what you are doing. Your work makes me Happy and satisfied.
    I am studying architecture and I am in my finals right know. If I am done and still alive, I would love to collaborate. Until then I wish you all the best with this time in your Live and I send Love and good energy (cause I got a lot of it thanks to my mum) to your house.

    Big Hug
