Ruca Bean Yates-Mora has an ongoing battle with a squirrel that’s lasted for 2+ years. It sits in the low lying branches of a tree in our canyon backyard and chirps at her, taunting her while she waits patiently for it to make ONE FALSE MOVE. She’s a relentless hunter though and one day that squirrel WILL be hers (and don’t tell PETA but we’ve definitely discussed helping out Bean’s cause with a little rock throwing). That squirrel is her nemesis. And all of this makes Bean’s Halloween costume THAT MUCH AWESOMER.
nemesis (and happy halloween)
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New reader via a June Bug tweet. Love the squinty eyes your dogs is making at you.
Ours frequently does the same.
Thanks Rebekah! We just love how disgruntled and surly she looks.
Oh, if you only knew how hard this picture made us laugh (us = me + 2 young sons who adore all things furry). Thanks for sharing your pictures and a slice of your life. It surely brightened our day today!
That’s fantastic! Thank you.
love this photo. As I look at it the words: "Don’t Ask" in a dry, sarcastic, family-guy sorta tone, comes to mind.
That is brilliant. She would totally be saying that if she could speak.
I’m so in love with your dog Ruca Bean. She’s totally gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.