Looking Back, Looking Ahead


2015 started out wild with the sale of our Palm Springs house, a move into our friends house for 6 weeks and the purchase of our San Diego house.  It didn’t calm down any from there, with nearly 8 months of health challenges and a lot of shaking things up both professionally and personally.  In looking back on the year it feels a bit like we’ve been through the tumble cycle and had ours arses kicked!  And, I’m grateful for it.  Of course there are moments when I’ve been left reeling, and I’ve hosted a few pity parties of one this year.  But I don’t think you can really appreciate the highs of life without also experiencing the lows.  And so I’m focusing on being grateful for all of the struggles that 2015 brought because I know that when the tides turn and life is a bit easier again I’ll appreciate it that much more.

Which brings me to 2016!  We’re leaving in mid March for our one year rv adventure, and we couldn’t be more excited!  I suppose we could’ve gone the other route after such a tumultuous year and really tried to settle things down for the coming year, but it turns out that’s not really who we are.  Life is crazy and we’re along for the ride.  At the end of it I want to say I lived it, I took risks, I had grand adventures.  I know that sometimes it will be at the cost of security, or convention or comfort.  I’m ok with that.  If something scares me I usually try to do it.  Except climbing Everest.  I’m all set with that.

This time of year is always one of reflection for me, and one of hope.  The slate feels wiped clean at the end of the year, doesn’t it?  A whole 365 days come ahead with all of the possibility, all of the chance, all of the unexpected.  It’s a beautiful thing.

I’ll leave you with this quote, which I adore: They say: Think twice before you jump. I say: Jump first and then think as much as you want! {Osho}  So that’s what I’m wishing for all of us next year- the courage to pursue our dreams, whatever they may be.  The courage to JUMP, to live boldly, lovingly, and happily.  To you and yours my friends, I’m wishing you the most colorful, joyous year ahead.  xx- Sarah  {photo via}

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Reader Comments

  1. Lisa|

    Your blog is a true inspiration. You are honest, brave and creative and face life’s challenges head on. I wish you all the best in 2016 and look forward to hearing/seeing all of your cross country adventures.

  2. Leslie|

    Beautifully said, and it’s so inspiring to see such a wonderful perspective after a tough year. Can’t wait to see what’s ahead for you!

  3. Diane|

    Sarah….I hope you have a wonderful adventure on the road and share many of your experiences with all of us. And that you were able to rent your home. And my favorite quote is Maya Angelou..”Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” which is what I remember anytime I have to deal with leaving something or someone I loved and will use it for my NY mantra as well. Good luck and have fun!

  4. Rhode Izaguirre|

    Love your attitude! I agree with your ideas, and outlook. I will be eagerly reading to see how your adventure goes. That is so exciting! Sending best wishes for a wonderful New Year for both you and your husband, Lou.
    Happy New Year!!!
