Arugula, Fig and Fried White Sweet Potato Salad


Our fig tree is going bonkers right now and I’ve been harvesting figs like it’s my job!  And finding different ways to eat them like it’s my full-time hobby.  That’s how this tasty salad was born!  It’s the exactly the kind of salad I’d serve to friends at a dinner party- each plate carefully crafted and beautiful.  I’d pair it with white wine,  this soup, a crusty loaf of french bread, and some mellow music playing in the background.  When we have friends over for dinner it’s my favorite thing in the world to knock their socks off with a delicious meal so I don’t mind a little extra effort than I would spend on a normal meal for Lou and I.  AND: fried white sweet potatoes, so there’s that!  Anyway, I hope you enjoy!  xx- Sarah





Arugula, Fig and Fried White Sweet Potato Salad

Yield: 4 side salads

Arugula, Fig and Fried White Sweet Potato Salad


  • arugula- approximately 5 oz container
  • 1 medium white sweet potato
  • 8 large figs, quartered
  • 4 lg. stalks of rosemary
  • coconut oil
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • sea salt
  • almond slivers
  • fresh cracked pepper
  • Maldon salt
  • high quality balsamic vinegar


  • Use a mandoline slicer with a straight blade on a thin setting to slice sweet potato into rounds.
  • Pour enough coconut oil into a large frying pan to submerge potato slices.
  • Heat oil over medium and place sweet potato rounds into pan in a single layer (oil should sizzle when potato is added)
  • Fry potatos until starting to brown on the edges, then use kitchen tongs to flip.
  • When potatoes are lightly browned remove from oil and place on a paper towel to let excess oil drain.
  • Continue until all potato slices are cooked. Sprinkle all slices lightly with sea salt
  • Place rosemary stalk into heated coconut oil. Remove after 20-30 seconds and place on paper towel.
  • Place a large handful of arugula on a serving plate, top with potato slices and figs. Garnish with a small handful of almond slivers.
  • Drizzle lightly with Extra Virgin Olive oil and balsamic vinegar, to your preference.
  • Sprinkle with crispy rosemary (removed from stem), Maldon salt and fresh cracked pepper.
  • Enjoy!


This is a simple salad and the flavor depends on having the freshest, highest quality ingredients. Find the most delicious, fresh, juicy, sweet figs for this salad and the very highest quality balsamic vinegar you can get your paws on!




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Reader Comments

  1. Amanda - A Cookie Named Desire|

    It’s been my dream to have a fig tree. I recently grew my own rhubarb which was another dream, so maybe next year I will start figs. Especially if it means I can make incredibly delicious salads like this!

  2. valentina - sweet kabocha|

    I follow food blogs from Usa, Northern Europe and Australia, and I’ve never seen these white sweet potatoes. I thought you have only orange ones! Here in Italy our parents used to eat these white sweet potatoes, but I’ve never tried them. It’s maybe time to?? 🙂

  3. Christine // my natural kitchen|

    You are so lucky that you have a fig tree! Figs are an obsession in my house, but we are terrible with plants… I think I need a neighbour wih a fig tree 😉 This salad looks so great, and those fried white sweet potatoes … gah, I love it!
