Oh man, I’ve eaten so many cookies over the past few months it’s legitimately crazy. And even thought most of the time I make cookies that are healthier than the average- well they’re still treats and should be eaten as such, instead of as substitute for breakfast, lunch and dinner (insert guilty emoji face here)! And cookies are really just scratching the surface- I’ve truly let my sweet tooth get the best of me in such a major way! So I’m doing a reset in August because even my favorite kale salad has started to sound MEH and this peanut butter cheesecake situation, well it sounds way better than even my favorite healthy foods. My taste buds are out of whack, sugar (even maple syrup or honey) is throwing my system out of balance and I want a fresh start.
I’m starting the month with a couple of days of juicing, followed up by 30 days of CLEAN EATS! What this means for me: tons of veggies, fruits, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and the enormous variety of things I can make from a combo of all of those. I’ll be saying see you later to ALL processed foods, sweeteners (even the good ones like maple syrup & honey), dairy (my occasional dairy indulgences have definitely become less occasional and I need to get that back under control!) and I’m going to limit my alcohol consumption to a glass of wine here and there. Do you all reach points like this where things have gotten a bit out of control and you need a major commitment of some sort to help get back on a healthy track? Are any of you at that point right now and feel like you want to join me? (for non-vegetarians you could easily add your regular healthy meat/eggs into the mix if you wanted). These things are always easier when you’re not in it alone! All of my recipes for August will be CLEAN EATS friendly- fruit, veggie and grain heavy. I’m looking forward to a clean slate! Hope some of you will join me! xx- Sarah {Photo Via}
*raises hand*
I’m in! Just moved back to CA from RI and definitely need a reset.
CATE!!! I wish could hug you! Welcome back to CA and let’s do this!!! xx
Totes need a reset! Dairy has been creeping back into my diet – same with the “healthy” sweets and I’m seeing/feeling the results! I’m on board!
YES! It’s crazy how those occasional treats can become a regular thing so quickly! So happy you’ll be joining me! xx
Ahh. Yup. Just hit the wall today. Starting to feel pretty crummy and have way too many serious, SERIOUS, chocolate cravings. Started juicing today! Good luck on your clean eating August!
WOO HOO!!!! What good timing!
I try to eat clean as part of my lifestyle, but sometimes the options get boring. I love and pin your recipes regularly, so this should be good!
Thanks Neekoh! I’ll do my best!
Oh my gosh Sarah, I kid you not, I was just shlepping around my house being like whyyy is there a tub of cookies on my counter?! Whyyy am I not snacking on like carrot sticks or drinking a juice instead of grabbing one of those stupid things everytime I walk by?! So thank you for having the most perfect timing. A few days of juicing sounds great, and I am totally on board for the rest of the month. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!!
TUB OF COOKIES?! GIMME!!! Just kidding! I shun those cookies.
Happy you’ll be joining me!! xx
Wow! The timeliness of this post is startling. I was thinking the same thing last night and thought to myself, on August 1 it is time to change. I love that there are other people feeling the same. Thanks for posting this – and looking forward to the new recipes!
Woo hoo! Good timing indeed Caroline! We get a fresh start every day in so many ways, but the new month feels psychologically like such a clean slate. This is gonna be good! xx
Yes! Sometime this summer all my healthy habits have been melting away — so excited to see what recipes you come up with!
Diana don’t you wish bad habits were as easily melted away as the good ones? I’m totally prepared to be a cookie missing grumpapotamus for a few days!
I’m in too! I totally need this.
Hip hip!
I have felt the need to clean up my act for a while. You have just given me the incentive to go for it!! I am a lifelong vegetarian but I’m all in!!! Let’s do this…
Yay Rose! Tomorrow I’ll be sharing a bunch of recipes- all of them vegetarian!
Can’t wait!!!
I’m in!!
YAY!!! Me too!
OMG! I just started getting back on track this week! It all began with one day of sweet cookie treats and all of a sudden i don’t know how things got out of hand. In my case I feel that the vegetarian lifestyle can pretty easily drive me down to a carbs diet. I’m so glad you’re sharing this with us! Can’t wait to see more of your recipes
It’s so easy for things to get out of control- that’s the thing with sugar (even when it comes in the form of carby breads!) I won’t let you down- lots of good vegetables coming up! xx
If you want to know what kind of cleanse is recommended by one of New York’s most sought-after doctor, it is described in full detail in this great book below. Simone, a dancer, is for real. She trains movie starts in L.A.
I can already feel myself wasting away just from reading this post. I’m definitely in!! I have my pinning finger ready for the recipes…
Don’t waste away!!! haha!
*Hand Raise Emoji*
I have been trying to stay fairly healthy lately, but clean slates feel amazing and I’m totally looking forward to August as well. I’m doing a half marathon for charity the first weekend in September, so I’ll definitely join you on this clean eating journey! xoxo, Kelly
Yay Kelly! And that’s so awesome that you’re doing that run! V. impressed! So happy to have you on board! xx
i just got back from a vacation where i actually DIDN’T completely indulge and went for daily jogs. But this week, being home, I’m a complete diet and exercise screw up. i am TOTALLY down to join in on this game…
That’s amazing Amanda, good work on the healthy vacay! Fresh start today!!!
Oh lady, I’m definitely at the same point right now — this summer has involved a lot of indulgences for me. I’m actually hosting a clean eating 28 day transformation program that starts August 4 as part of my health coaching business.
I’m excited to see all of your recipes in August.
That’s awesome Brittany, your lucky clients! I love that we’re on the same page!!
oh my….this is exactly how I’m feeling at the moment! we bought a new ice cream maker this summer, and while it’s been great trying new recipes with it….it’s also soooo tempting to always have yummy ice cream in the freezer. a clean slate sounds perfect!
Yep, an ice cream maker will do it! haha! You’re fresh start begins today! (the ice cream maker will be there in august)
Please share what your’e eating in August! I’m always curious to see new healthy meal ideas.
I absolutely will, thanks Traci!
You look beautiful! Do it for how it will make you feel on the inside!!!
Thanks Barna, I agree 1000%. This is about health, not vanity.
Although if vanity comes into play for some people I don’t judge that either, we’re all on our own journeys!
Yes, the same thing happens to me too! There are certainly times your body needs a reset. The first few days can be hard, but I always feel better once I’m done. Sometimes people wonder why I’d give up sweets or iced tea for a month. It’s good to prove you can!
It’s SO worth it and I don’t understand why people DON’T do things like this every once in a while.
You gorgeous soul, your timing is heavenly. I began my juicing yesterday and had the exact same plan. Btw, feeling amaaaazing today! So light and vibrant already. Can’t wait to try your healthy recipes, as so many of your previous ones are already on my daily menu
Looking forward for this! August filled with vitality – bring it on!
That’s awesome Suvi (and thank you!!!!)
Happy juicing and I promise to whip up lots of healthy tasty food to help us all through the month! xx
YES! I am the same as you, I eat healthy and clean, and then occasionally I slowly start eating less healthily, more and more, and i feel like its ok for a while, then I realise, actually, I don’t feel clean anymore and I’m eating terribly!
It’s SUCH a slippery slope!!! But that’s why these sorts of things are SO helpful! I am thinking I should do something like this seasonally, maybe shorter variations! Thanks for joining in! xx
Count me in! I need some extra help and motivation. I can’t wait to see some inspiring photos!x
Yay Kristy! Can’t wait to share and keep us all motivated!! xx
Clean eating became the main focus of my food life about 4 years ago, and I’ll never look back. I manage this by eating clean during the week, and letting myself cheat on the weekends. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t go nuts on the weekend, but that’s when it’s time for cookies, ice cream, etc. Eating clean is an absolute game changer and SO worth it! You really do feel so much better. Good luck, gal!
Thanks Robin! xx
Definitely will be joining you all
I really need to rid my diet of processed foods!!
Definitely will be joining you all
I really need to rid my diet of processed foods!!
YES! Welcome Tess!!! And see you later processed foods!
I’m so in & am right there with you! Looking forward to hitting the reset button with you!
Thanks Penni, so happy to have you on board!
I soooo need to get on this bandwagon. My all the time vegan ways have turned into vegan plus cheese pizza and cupcakes on the reg.
It happens!!!! And I really do think sometimes it takes a major commitment like a month without to get things back in balance! xx
I’m definitely joining in!
YAY!!!! Thanks Samantha! xx
I’m so on board! I just cut gluten, but I need to stop my candy habit too.
Woo hoo Katie! Bye bye candy! (you won’t even miss it after the first week!)
Considering I may have just eaten half a box of cheez-its (THE SHAME!!!)…this could not come at a better time. I made healthy eating a priority this year but studying for the bar exam really threw me out of whack over the past 10 weeks. I reverted to old comfort foods like pizza, pizza, and more pizza. Thankfully, as of yesterday, the exam is behind me and I’m now going to put my bad eating habits behind me too! Looking forward to all the recipes! I swear yours are some of the best!
Thanks so much Bonnie! Oh, cheeze-its are the devils work, so bad and so good! haha! Congrats on getting through the bar exam and yay for a clean slate and healthy reset!
I’m jumping in head first too! Can’t wait! My husband and I want to get healthy on our way into trying for a family. The healthier and leaner we are going into this the better! Can’t wait to journey with you!
Thanks so much Roberta! And that’s amazing, congrats that you’re taking this huge life step forward!!! Being healthy for a pregnancy is so important, I can’t think of a better reason to eat clean! So happy you’re joining us! xx
This was me two months ago after a long spring of way too many cereal and saltine dinners! I can honestly say that I have felt so much better since deciding to take a (not forever) break from alcohol, coffee, meat, and certain forms of dairy at the start of May. Lots of juices, smoothies, and a quality probiotic have been really great as well. I’m totally on board to continue!
Yay! Thanks Susan! It’s amazing how much better you feel, right? I always notice such a huge difference when I’m on top of staying healthy with my eating. So happy you’ll be on board with us! xx
I have been a long time lover of your recipes and I’m very excited to get on board for clean eating this August! I was wondering if you could at some point maybe provide some tips on how you deal with sugar cravings as they arise/recipes that are your go to for such moments?
Thanks! I can’t wait to see all the recipes this month!
Thanks you Marlena! Sugar cravings pass for me pretty quickly after I stop eating it, but the first few days I notice I want to reach for something sweet after every meal! If that’s happening to you I’d recommend some fruit- but for me to be satisfied by fruit sometimes when I’m really craving sugar I have to cook it. So maybe try baking a pear or apple (350 degrees) coated in coconut oil and cinnamon until it’s soft! Or banana and peanut butter is always really satisfying to me as well! Good luck! xx
I was JUST thinking yesterday that I wanted a clean eats overhaul. I haven’t gotten out of control, but I want something really stable again. Sheesh it’s tough once you get out of the habit! I just put chocolate chips on my yogurt!
Yes, I’m going to be cleaning up (except on my birthday, because we all get a free pass there, right?)
HA! Chocolate chips on yogurt sounds amazing! I do think birthdays are free passes, so long as you make sure it’s not a birthday week or month!
Happy to have you joining (and I share this birthday month with you!) 
Sarah, Thanks for suggesting this clean eats month…I’m a little late, but I’ll start August 3! I’ve been trying to work on my diet, but committing and knowing others out there are working as well will really help me!
Awesome Sarah! So happy to have you joining us! It’s SO helpful to know others are going through it too. I love it!
Yes yes YES! I’m going along with you! I’ve been eating so bad recently… It started in June, when I was out of town for a job and stayed in a hostel for one month. One month of going to the restaurant with my colleagues (which is nice once, but NOT once a week or more), one month of eating dinner that were too rich for me (hostels in the French countryside are usually not very vegetarian friendly… And one month of eating meat EVERY SINGLE EVENING drove me crazy!) Even though I sometimes bought my lunch at work and tried to keep it as healthy as possible, it was still made out of (organic, but still) processed food (hello canned tabouli or hummus and crackers!) or bought at a catering shop. Well, no need to say that when I was back home during the weekends all I wanted to eat was fresh fruits! I think I took 3kg in one month, which is not really a big issue, but I felt that my body could barely handle too much rich food and I really felt uncomfortable.
So I promised myself that things would change in July. But I went to a music festival (no need to develop here…) then my flatmate has been dragging me down in a period of laziness, read : no cooking. So it’s been one month that we’re having food at takeouts in the evening, ordering pizza, eat at McDonald’s after going to the cinema etc. She has very different eating habits than me and I should not let her control my diet but the fact is that I don’t feel like arguing with her because we’re eating bad stuff. Whan she comes back from her holidays, we’ll do something about that! But I’m not waiting for her to come back to eat clean, I really feel that I need a reset, that my digestive system needs rest. I’m SO looking forward to go back to my regular diet!