Shine On!


I’ve been shopping for lamps lately so I thought I’d share some of the favorites I found!  White, gold and black can do no wrong in my book!  Aren’t they all so good?  And I’ve included a few more that I love below, just in case you’re in the market too (and some are on sale!).  Happy decorating!  xx- Sarah  sources: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


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  1. Ivy|

    Hey Sarah,

    It’s difficult to get to the sources, because the “Pin It!” button keeps popping up. Any way to move them to another line? I’d love the link to #2! Thanks. xx

    • Sarah Yates|

      Hi Ivy, is it my custom circle “pin it” button that you’re seeing? Or is it another kind that you have installed in your browser window? Either way, here is the link to the second lamp: Please let me know about the pin it situation and I’ll see what I can do! Thanks! xx

      • Ivy|

        It’s a black “pin it” button, with white lettering. It’s appearing in both the bottom right corner of the photo, as well as the post overall. I’m using Chrome…no clue if that makes a difference. Either way, thank you for linking me to that lamp!

        • Sarah Yates|

          Thanks Ivy! My programmer tweaked things so you shouldn’t have any more issues. It’s the ad blocker that’s installed in your browser that’s causing the quirks. Please let me know if there’s anything else that pops up! xx

        • Sarah Yates|

          Alle it should be all fixed now! It’s the ad blocker you have installed in your browser- it makes the site function a little wonky. Hope it’s fixed and you can see, let me know if for any reason it isn’t! :)

  2. Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's|

    The lightbulb shaped one from Anthropologie is really cool! I actually just moved into my dorm last week (for my freshman year of college, eek!) and am currently shopping for items to decorate my room with. Decorations that I can utilize (like lamps haha) are even better! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

    • Sarah Yates|

      Congrats Audrey!! Good luck with your first year of school! My stepsister is starting college this year too- such a fun and exciting time in life!! :)

  3. Sara|

    Agreed with Ivy who commented before me – I can’t click any of the lamp links because of your round, customizable “Pin It!” button. Could you move the links down a line or two? But great lamps!
