Roasted Yellow Tomato Soup


As you might have seen here,  I’m the benefactor of a huge pile of tomatoes from a friend’s garden.  Lucky me!! I kind of agonized over how to eat them, wanting to make the most of my big win.  In the end I decided to roast a bunch of the yellow ones for this soup.  A soup I enjoyed both hot and cold, which was a big bonus (I love when leftovers can be reimagined!)  This soup is the simplest, but full of flavor from the tomatoes, it just tastes like Summer!  I also enjoyed quite a few of the juicy yellow tomatoes like this, but with a pile of avocado on top. Ahhh, tomato season, it’s almost as good as Christmas cookie season in my opinion!!  Happy Summer eating!  xx- Sarah



Roasted Yellow Tomato Soup

Roasted Yellow Tomato Soup


  • 10 cups chopped yellow tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup vegetable stock
  • 3/4 cups basil (more to garnish)
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 small garlic clove, crushed
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • finishing salt
  • red pepper to garnish


  • - Preheat oven to 225 degrees.
  • - Cut smaller tomatoes into quarters and larger tomatoes into eighths.
  • - Spread tomatoes on a large baking sheet and toss in olive oil. Give them a good sprinkling of sea salt and slow roast for 50-75 minutes, until soft and juicy.
  • - Transfer tomatoes (along with any juice in the pan) to a medium pot. Add vegetable stock and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Add basil and sea salt.
  • - Use an immersion blender to puree thoroughly. Taste and add additional salt to taste.
  • - Garnish with fresh chopped basil and chopped red pepper.

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Reader Comments

  1. Nina|

    OMG I’m cooking it as soon as I can!!! I’m thinking about pairing it with tortilla strips, probably the colour has me thinking of corn soup! Though, I wonder how it’d taste spinkled with cilantro too…

  2. Latrina | Of Trees & Hues|

    You don’t even know how obsessed I am with soups lately! In efforts to eat better, you’d be surprised just how low calorie ( and filling! ) soups are. And if you throw some veggies in them, even better. :)

    The recipe above sounds amazing, Sarah. And easy to make too, thank you so much for sharing! :) I can’t wait to try it.

  3. Monica|

    I made this recipe last night – it’s SO simple and tasty – thanks Sarah! It’s making mine and my boyfriend’s #EatCleanAugust super yum.

    Monica x
