Happy Friday my friends!  I’ve been mildly obsessed (ok, kind of majorly obsessed) with Instagram lately.  I might be late to the game because I didn’t really appreciate it as much when all of the photos were just really bad snapshots of life- probably just my inner photographer being a bit of a snob.  But since everyone is upping their game and finding the most beautiful, fun and charming ways to share I get so excited to see what’s going on in Insta-land!  Here are a few of my favorites, in case you’re on the hunt to find the most inspiring instagrams the way I am!  Clockwise from top left: Aileen Cheng, Sarah Sherman Samuel, Nikole Herriot, Julia Engel. (and if you’re interested, this is my instagram)  Do you have any favorites I should know about?  Please share! And have such a great weekend everyone!  xx- Sarah

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Reader Comments

  1. Two Red Bowls|

    I've only recently gotten sucked into the Instagram world too! Like you I initially had my reservations — but against my better judgment (or my upturned nose) I now adore it. Thanks for sharing your favorite Instagram users (Instagrammers?) I can't wait to check them out.

  2. Simone Anne|

    Totally following them all now! Thanks for sharing! I love instagram; it's totally my favorite social media network! @simone_anne :)

  3. Latrina|

    Yay! Love them all, following all four now. :) Thanks for sharing! Always look forward to your Friday posts.

    Instagram has to be my favorite social media, pretty obsessed with it actually. hah (me: @oftreesandhues)

  4. Kayla Yestal|

    Obsessing over Aileen's dog so badly now! My biggest Instagram crush right now is @tarafirma, she is in the process of a three month trip around some pretty incredible places. Her photos of Morocco and Norway were to die for and definitely made my travel itch turn into a travel burn! Mine is @kaylayestal but don't look at them back to back because there is no way my photos around Toronto are as exciting haha.

  5. Rebecca|

    Hi Sarah! I have loved following your blog AND Insta! Some of my favorite peeps to follow are @ashleighbcoleman, @pauloctavious, and @underthesycamore. Best wishes for a happy day!

  6. Brittany|

    I was late to the party too but now I can't seem to get enough!

    Here are some of my current favorites:

    I'd love love love, if you'd follow me (and would be oh, so honored to be featured in a feature friday post!).

