when packing for our east coast trip i was compelled to fill my suitcase with striped shirts, boat shoes, crisp white blouses and fisherman sweaters to tie around my shoulders.  if only we were destined for a yaght!  but alas, we’ll be lucky if we make it to a beach and this is about as sporty looking as i’ll get.  whatever, i’ll take it! #stripesforlife xx- sarah

jeans: current elliott, shirt: lily aldridge for velvet, shoes: converse, bag: foley and corinna, bracelet: monserat de lucca, rings: jules smith, watch: marc jacobs 




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Reader Comments

  1. Steph|

    Love the stripes and as always you look amazing. Hope your trip is going well and if I find someone with a yacht, I'll send them your way!

  2. anne taylor|

    This outfit is DARLING, Sarah! I love it! The shoes really make it. Now I want to go eat some seafood on a New England coast. If only Colorado wasn't land locked :)

  3. Monica Beatrice Welburn|

    Perfectly relaxed! Looks like just the outfit I'd ogle on the street – the most wonderful 'nonchalant chic'.

    I have mentally filed this – hope I can recreate half as well…!

    MB x

  4. Tania|

    Hi Sarah,

    I love your style, and have been following you for about 2 years now. I love fashion but I find it difficult to take pictures of myself in my favorite outfits. Call it shyness, maybe. Where you ever camera shy? It doesn't look like it because your pictures are amazing? If so how did you get over it? I'm planning on taking some pics of myself in my some of my favorite looks this weekend. Any tips?


  5. liz|

    Stripes and crisp white blouses, jeans and cable knit sweaters are always my go to. I think I am meant to live at the seaside, if only I did! You wear this style well.

    Glad I just discovered your blog.
