hey now!  so i was thinking it would be really fun to answer your email questions in a new “ask sarah” series. i mean, i think i could possibly be of service, and when i fail i know that all of you will chime in with just the right advice to save my ass. here are a few questions to get it started *all questions submitted by yours truly:

q:  sarah, are you qualified to be answering questions on the interweb?

a: ah, well, there’s a pretty simple answer to that one: absolutely not. i’ve never attended answering questions on the interweb college, or even taken a course on it for that matter.  i have absolutely no background in answering questions professionally whatsoever.  i fancy myself an internet dr. phil though, so i think it’s all good.

q: will you be able to answer questions of a scientific or mathematical nature?

a: not independently. however should i receive one i will promptly forward to my friend annie who is extremely good at google and much, much smarter than the average bear.  together we will get to the bottom of any and all smarty-pants questions.

q: will you help me find a dress to wear to a wedding/job interview/party/funeral/christening/bbq or date night to the icecapades?  or the perfect chair for that awkward empty nook in my living room?

a: oh hell yes.  online shopping for others is one of my joys in life.  just make sure to give me a little background info on you and what your needs are.  send pictures when appropriate.

q: will you advise me on how to best handle an awkward situation/conflict with a friend, colleague or family member?

a: oh most definitely.  and i have watched pretty much every episode of real housewives of anywhere so i am very well versed in What Not To Do.

q: will you suggest a recipe for my lactose intolerant, gluten free, vegetarian-who-doens’t-eat-anything-green/red or blue sister in law for a dinner party i’m hosting?

a: i will do my damnedest.  and it will be delicious.

so there we go, off to a roaring start! please bring on the questions my friends (via email, comments or the form under “contact”). otherwise you’ll all be subjected to more of me asking and answering my own questions.  which would be awkward for all of us.

*vintage vogue cover found here 

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Reader Comments

  1. D I X O N|

    I'd like to kick things off with a question someone suggested Jimmy Fallon ask Barack Obama: 'Would you rather have a puppy sized elephant or an elephant sized puppy?'

  2. Kate|

    Ha! I actually think you asking yourself questions and then answering them is quite funny :) great series idea! You always have such fun recipes, maybe a Cooking With Sarah series next? Not sure how that would work – something to think about :)

  3. Lizzy|

    Hey Sarah! I know you eat a macrobiotic diet and i was wondering if there are any good books that would help build someone's knowledge in that department? I'm just now embarking on the journey to becoming a RD and want as many good resources as i can get.

  4. Kate|

    Hi Sarah,

    Since you're offering, can you recommend a dress for a casual beach wedding and a dress/outfit for a sunset cruise the night before? The wedding is in Hilton Head, SC in two weeks, so I need to get shopping soon. Also, while I like maxi dresses on others, it's not the best look for a 5'2" gal like me.

    Thanks so much,

    p.s. Love your blog!

  5. Sonia|

    Hi Sarah, what perfect timing this post was! I saw your home tour on design sponge and fell in LOVE with the boucherouite rug, so of course I immediately ordered one for myself! It just arrived today and now I am wondering how to hang this thing! Any tips you have would be much appreciated!

  6. sarah yates|

    thanks so much everyone!!
    i'm going to answer a few of these right here and now:

    @dixon : omg, a puppy sized elephant! it was a hard decision but can you imagine the mess an elephant sized puppy would make of your house? lou would die on the spot.

    @kate: maybe i'll do a video series one day, if i get brave enough!!

    @me: i would teletransport. that's my greatest dream in life.

    @sonia: we used little tiny nails (the kind that come with picture hangers). worked like a charm. hope you love your new boucherouite!

  7. renee daley|

    I am such a fan of your blog, and Bean! My daughter's nickname is Bean and she calls our lab Nugget so I especially love the names.

    My question is ~ Back a year or two ago you had rescued an adorable dog, then it just disappeared from your blog. What happened to it?

  8. sarah yates|

    @ lizzy: my favorite macro cookbooks are "the hip chick's guide to macrobiotics" and "the kind diet" by alicia silverstone. alicia call macro "superhero" in the book, but it's essentially the same thing.

    @renee that was oscar, he was a stray pup roaming around mexico and not doing so well when we found him so we brought him back to LA! unfortunately bean and oscar were getting into fights (and he grew to be a large doberman/shepard mix) and it was too much for us to handle during the time i was sick/in the hospital. so we found him a home with a guy who lives in the suburbs. it was hard to see him go but we weren't the right family for him at the time. oscar now enjoys lots of trail runs, trips to the dog beach and a backyard to call his own that's over an acre and has chickens! he's living the life. :) thanks for asking!
