some fun Christmas activities for kids and families?

What Are Some Fun Christmas Activities for Kids and Families?

With everyone being so busy in their lives in this fast-paced world, holidays are the only time when members of families come together.

It’s a special time when families create lasting memories, share a burst of laughter, and strengthen their bond.

Doing festive activities with your family members can be a great way to bond.

Sharing anecdotes, learning something new, having fun with each other, and creating a Christmas items list, holidays are just about all these things. Ain’t they?

The holidays may have just passed, but why not plan for the next one? Well, it’s never too early to enjoy your favorite festive activities. Isn’t it?

Keeping the spirit of the festive season alive, let’s explore a world of fun and adventurous activities for kids and families.

1. Shopping

 A woman browsing through clothes in a store,

Yes! Shopping is first on the list because who doesn’t love to shop? If you think shopping can get boring for kids and grown-up men. Think again! All you need is a thorough plan.

First of all, you need to find out the interests of the family members. Now, assign them their favorites.

If someone is a fan of lighting, ask them to shop for lighting, if someone is interested in cooking ask them to shop for ingredients you will need for recipes, and so on.

You can turn shopping into a fun-filled activity with this trick and Voila! You have got your stuff and a happy outing with your loved ones.

2. Host a Christmas Craft Competition

a Christmas Craft Competition

It’s a merry Christmas all the way when friends and family get together. With everyone in the house, you can organize a craft competition.

Not only will it allow an exchange of ideas, but also let everyone bring out their best. It can be a paper-cutting craft, making an ugly sweater, or just decorating your Christmas tree; the memories of this activity are sure to last a lifetime.

You can pick an activity that can be enjoyed by everyone inclusively. You can also divide groups for kids, grown-ups, and older people and organize competitions for them accordingly.

3. Plan a Game Night

A group of friends playing board games and card game

Nothing fills a holiday home with happiness than a crazy game night with friends and family. Games can help break the ice between members who may not be acquainted with each other.

It can also bring healthy competition among the members where everyone enjoys and tries to outperform others. You can start with simple board games, rugby matches, or card games.

To make it more interesting, you can incorporate gifts for the winners or buy a “winner” or “loser” cap. This game is sure to entertain everyone in the family.

4. Make a Gingerbread House

Children happily playing with a gingerbread house

Making the good old gingerbread house is a fun activity for adults and kids. Many gingerbread kits are available in the market right now; buy them and throw in a few sprinklers and cream, and you are all set to have a fun-filled holiday.

This activity is especially exciting for kids. Let the kids make their own gingerbread house and decorate it with candies, creams, and sprinklers. Kids would surely love to do this activity.

After all, it’s the only thing they can eat while making and after completing. It’s a great way to make kids feel welcome and a part of the Christmas spirit.

5. Click a Photo for a Holiday card

A family smiles for a Christmas photo at a tree farm,

It should be the first thing on your Christmas item list. A holiday card with near and dear ones has been a tradition for ages.

To give it a novel touch, you can incorporate funny props like hats, goggles, frames, or anything that stands out.

Plan a trip there if you think of any destination that may make for a great shot. It will make for an adventurous trip and fulfill the purpose.

If you are running out of ideas for clicking pictures, ask a teenager in the group; they will surely know how to click an Instagram-worthy picture for your holiday. You can search all over the internet for more cool ideas.

6. Have a Christmas Movie Night

Friends enjoying a cozy Christmas Movie Night on a couch

While the days are all about hustling here and there and getting all crafty during the Christmas season, the night should be relaxing and calm for everyone.

A great movie night while cozying up in the blanket makes for an awesome holiday. Just gather everyone, decide on a movie, and don’t forget to grab popcorn and nachos to complete your festive bonanza.

Let the party begin with all the family members sitting together and making the most of your family time. If you are feeling a little extravagant, you can always plan this in a theater near you.

7. Play Secret Santa

Secret Santa

Organizing a Secret Santa will be a lot of fun if you have a big family. Make a list of all the participants.

You can ask for a wish list from the family members and encourage others to buy the items from this list. Keep it a secret until everyone opens their gifts.

If you want, you can set a budget for the gifts so everyone is on the same page. You can also encourage participants to incorporate creative gifts they made with their hands.

It will add a touch of warmth to the entire activity. You can also pool money and give a special gift to a special family member.


There is no dearth of ideas when it comes to having a fun-filled Christmas with your friends and family. It all depends on your personal preferences and the resources that you have.

For some people, having a family trip to an adventurous location may sound pretty exciting, while for others, a movie night with all the family under one roof may seem fun.

Don’t forget the idea of having a Christmas with the family is to create lots of happy memories and make the most of the holiday season.

Cherishing these beautiful moments and enjoying them together is what festive seasons are all about.

Hope you have a great holiday!

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