i’m having a stevie nicks moment


i might have gasped when i saw this dress- long and flowy snake print with a wrap around shape and slits in the skirt?  oh heck yes!  i mean, what’s not to love?  nothing, that’s what.  this dress is sheer perfection! {har har} i’ll be wearing it from now until forever, channeling stevie knicks every time i do.   more photos by my handsome husband and outfit details after the jump!






dress: blu moon, shoes: dolce vita (similar), hat: free people, necklace: vintage nail polish: orly passion fruit

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Reader Comments

  1. Rachel|

    The dress looks great but if you're going for a Stevie Nicks/Knicks combo look, you should have accessorized with a basketball ;)

  2. sarah yates|

    thanks jacquelyn! @rachel ahhh…haha! spelling error! my brain isn't working, have the flu! thanks for the heads up. :)

  3. Lisa|

    Your dress looks amazing on you. What colour nailpolish are you wearing? It really pops!

  4. sarah yates|

    thanks so much everyone!

    @celestine- i actually think most women could wear this dress and look amazing! such a flattering shape!

    @lisa my nail polish is orly's passion fruit: http://amzn.to/11RHd8h

  5. marlene|

    love it!!! how are you liking living in the desert? is it relaxing, laid back and inspiring…or is it vacant and a bit isolated? i imagine it might be all of those things but just wondering how you're adapting. your style has certainly adapted ;)

  6. sarah yates|

    thanks marlene! you're right, it's all of those things in part. but mostly it's great! it's a really nice, easy quality of life and the weather is amazing (except for august and september). i love the desert, never get tired of the mountains. we haven't made that many friends yet, which is a challenge. but luckily we have friends from out of town visit a bunch and that helps tremendously. plus we both travel a fair amount. coming home to our house that we adore and a easy life can't be beat. i don't know that we'll be able to stay here forever, i think it might get lonely/boring after a while, but we're loving it for now!

  7. marlene|

    That's awesome, I'm glad to hear it. You took a chance on something that was a dream and now you'll always look back and never regret that you missed out on living a desert life :) That's something to be happy about.

  8. tunie|

    Just wondering…because my life is, shall we say – preety simple, lol, where does one wear a dress like this? Do you only wear it to parties and dinner out or daily when shopping and etc ?

  9. Vanessa|

    I love me some snakeskin print. This is such a great look against the perfect backdrop!
    XO, Vanessa
