a BIGGIE announcement!


lou and i have long dreamed of owning a home in palm springs.  it’s the sunny desert town where we first talked about getting married and fantasized about what our future might look like. it’s the place we run to when the city gets overwhelming. we have loved it long and hard (that’s what she said!) for it’s mid century modern architecture, endless warm nights, tall palm trees, surrounding mountains and ability to put us into a state of happy calm as soon as we drive around the mountain bend and see the town in the distance. we always talked about retiring there.  but i’ve always secretly wondered, why wait until you’re 65 to retire and do the things you know you want to do??


so, it’s with the hugest grin on my face that i type this…. we just bought a house in palm springs (well, technically we’re waiting on the final documents but the deal is as good as done!).  and that beaut right up there, that’s our new pool.  YES, THAT IS OUR NEW POOL, SOMEBODY PINCH ME!! it’s been almost 7 long weeks of what i consider earning our loan with the bank (more on that another day) but yesterday we drove out there and signed up for home ownership!  we’ll leave part of our hearts and a lot of friends in los angeles, which is why as soon as we can we’ll start hunting for a studio apartment in LA and will see if we can swing being bi-city. in the meantime we’ll be packing, moving, and  settling into a slower paced life that involves a lot of pool side mojitos.

this has been brewing since february but i didn’t want to jinx it (is that weird superstition?!) which is why so many of my posts lately have mysteriously eluded to big things happening.  i hate keeping secrets and you can’t imagine how happy i am to finally be able to tell you all! and now hopefully you’ll understand why my posting has been light/sporadic. i promise as soon as we’re settled i’ll get back to regular posting and fill you in on all the decorating details.  in the meantime i’ll do my best to keep you at least mildly entertained with whatever other randomness i can mix up!  three cheers to a new adventure!!

*first photo by ryan robinson from a series he photographed in florida called “snowbirds”. i love them all.