hip hip, we’re all shiny and new!


it is with a very humble thrill that i present to you the new site design today!  remember on friday when i wrote “should all go as planned you’ll be looking at a freshly remodeled house in the hills…” well that was a TERRIBLE thing to write!  i was practically BEGGING for trouble!  so of course, only a matter of a couple hours after i hit publish on that post, what had been a completely smooth and perfect design / construction process with aileen and scott turned into a mad scramble to REBUILD and modify the entire site in the course of a weekend! this was due to a last minute realization that squarespace (my hosting platform) has a major and unforeseen flaw that makes their latest software version completely useless to me. AHHHHHH! i spent the entire weekend worshipping scott for being the best programmer to walk the face of the earth and cursing squarespace for wreaking havoc on my site launch.  but, it’s done!  and i couldn’t be happier with it!  more after the jump…

before i go back to gushing about aileen and scott, here are a few updates i hope you’ll appreciate…we have a search bar, people! finally, no more looking through every recipe i ever posted just to get to the sweet potato tacos from late 2011!  i also now offer subscribe by email (yay! get yerself signed up if that’s your thing!).  and my crafty photoshop icons have been replaced by aileen’s sleek designs.  SO MUCH BETTER!  what do you think? i hope it’s a much nicer place for you to come and spend time with me!  

now, the gushing must continue.  aileen, i’ll never be able to thank you enough for all the hard work you put into this!  you so far exceeded my expectations it makes me think i lack imagination.   as always, your attention to detail and beautiful, clean, well-thought design inspires me and makes me feel so lucky to have the opportunity to work with you!  i so look forward to many more design projects together.  scott, i am blown away by your skill and level of professionalism.  you made this process a breeze, and when things went south two days ago i was only mildly panicked because you’d already shown me that i was in the best possible hands over the course of the project. i am so grateful for your hard work and the attention you gave this.

to you friends, thank you for hanging in there with me over the past 6 months as i’ve been working on this! you are my favorite part of this blog and i promise to work my hardest to make it worth every minute you spend here!  and last but most certainly far from least: mr. lou mora, thank you for looking at every design revision with me, wiping my meltdown tears yesterday morning and being the best husband and dog-father i could ever ask for.   *on the off chance i ever win an oscar i will modify all of this into an acceptance speech*

good day my friends!

*image source