Alamere Falls


Howdy friends, and happy Tuesday!  We’re back in San Diego and I’m already itching to get back on the road.  I have a serious case of wanderlust!  Today I want to travel back in time to a hike we did in Pt. Reyes to Alamere Falls.  It was roughly 11 miles round trip (according to my runkeeper app) and was a truly incredible walk along the coastal bluffs, through the mountains, past a couple of lakes and ending at a 40 ft waterfall that dropped onto the beach.  I highly recommend it for anyone in the area- and for all levels of hikers!  We skipped the shortcut trail down to the falls and continued along to Wildcat camp, then walked south down the beach to the falls.  It added some miles to the hike but we were the only people on about a mile stretch of beach- and those are the moments I live for!  We’d love to hit this spot again in the summer because we spotted a rope swing on one of the lakes that looks like it’s too much fun to miss!  My tips:  be on the trail early as you can manage- we had the whole place to ourselves for the majority of the hike, but as we were leaving there were so many people on the trail in), bring a picnic to enjoy on the beach, if there’s a flock of birds hanging out of the beach- run into them and watch them take over the sky- it’s beautiful, bring a plastic bag to pick up trash others left behind to carry out (ugh, but necessary), bring a swimsuit for the rope swing if you’re interested in taking a pause along the hike for a refreshing dip!  And if you’re in SF this is an easy day hike.  Just sayin!!!  Get at it!  Okey, that’s that adventure!  I’ll be back soon to share our Big Sur wanderings.  xx- Sarah



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Weekend Adventures in Pt. Reyes


Happy Monday friends, hope you all had a great weekend!  We spent ours celebrating one of our dear friend’s birthday in Pt. Reyes (an hour north of SF).  I love it up here- the food is beyond amazing, the landscape is stunning and the light is otherworldly.  And my favorite bonus ever- there are deer everywhere you look!  We spent the weekend at a rental house with friends cooking/eating up a storm, playing games, and reveling in the quiet country life.  We ventured out twice- once for a walk along the coast here and once for a meal at Saltwater Oyster Depot, a charming little restaurant in Inverness.  Oysters!  Fig Pizza!  Burrata with the yummiest tomatoes ever!  OH MY!!!  I highly recommend if you’re ever in the area.  Everything we ate was incredible. See a few of our snaps from the weekend below… my way of taking you along in my pocket. See you tomorrow, I have a recipe for you that I’m loving so hard!  xx- Sarah




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