my holiday gift guide on pinterest

hey all,  i hope you had a great weekend!  with halloween behind us i feel like i can finally start to get really excited about the upcoming holidays!  i don’t know what i’m more excited about- stuffing my face on thanksgiving or picking out the best christmas gifts! usually i’m the last minute gift buyer who scrambles around the week before christmas trying to get caught up.  this year i’ve promised myself it’s going to be different!  i want to spend the week before christmas cooking and enjoying the festivities. so i’ve started my shopping! and i’ve also started a pinterest board to help you along with yours.  lou and i will be pinning anything we think might make a great gift, in all price ranges, from now until the holidays have passed.  we’re trying to cover all bases- from dads to girlfriends, to stocking stuffers… and every price point you could need. check it out here, and happy shopping!