neons and neutrals, oh my!


happy monday everyone!  sorry i didn’t get around to doing my friday roundup this week, i was in the throes of planning/co-hosting a birds of a feather craft party at our house!  if you search the hashtag #birdsinatreecraftparty on instagram you’ll see some of the fun photos from the day.  and i’ll be sharing the ones that the birds of a feather girls took soon too.  it was amazing!!!  and so fun seeing our friends enjoy our house at our first ever party! 

in completely unrelated  news:  i’m newly in love.  with these shoes.  that are ON SALE FOR FIFTY DOLLARS!  actually, almost the entire outfit is on sale!  and yes, i’m patting myself on the back for this one as i strut around in my neutrals with a pair of shoes so brightly colored you’ll need your shades on to peep them.  what a great weekend!  i hope yours was as well!   xx- sarah



SHOP THIS OUTFIT: jeans: AG adriano goldschmied tee: zoe karssen, shoes: boutiuqe 9, jacket: asos, watch: marc jacobs, sunnies: target, ring: kelly wearstler

snaps from the weekend



hey friends! i’m sorry i was MIA on friday, we’re in them middle of some exciting stuff that i can’t wait to share with you when the time is right!  in the meantime, posting may be a little sporadic while i do my best to hold onto my hat! here are a couple snaps from my instagram this past weekend. we had a picnic at the getty with our friends max and margaux and then wandered around the herb ritts show. it was amazing and inspiring, if you’re here in LA you should check it out! * dress: joie, sandals: matt bernson sunnies:oliver peoples bag: clare vivier