Be Your Best Anyway


i’ve been facing a moral dilemma this week and standing up for what i believe in has been hard. and i feel like a super-nerd for even writing this, but stumbling on quotes on pinterst is sometimes all i need to remind myself of whatever i need to be focusing on.  yeah, i’m pretty much a 14 year old girl trapped in a body more than twice that age.  i have certainly felt very emo lately, it’s kind of embarrassing.

also, i’m agnostic so for me the god that mother teresa is referring to i interpret to mean the universe. or myself.  and i entertain the possibility that they are one and the same.  wherever my beliefs lie at any given time i think there are beautiful things to be taken from all religions. and that is the most i’ll probably ever say about my religious/spiritual views on this here blog.  tomorrow back to food, style, decor and dogs. *shaking it off*