

hi everyone, i hope you had a great weekend!  today is the day- our new couch arrives!  after 7+ months of patio furniture covered in sheets (seen here) you can imagine how excited i am!  as in: there isn’t a bouncy house large enough to contain it!  if all goes well (PLEASE COUCH GODS, LET IT ALL GO WELL) i’ll share photos tomorrow or wednesday.  the anticipation of it has me fantasizing about pillows (those are next!).  part of me wants big pouffy handira pillows like these, the other part wants colorful textiles like this from mexico or dyed indigo pillows like this one.  all those parts are fighting, and lou will probably be the tie breaker.   but if you have any other contenders you’d like to throw into the mix i’d love to hear!  xx-sarah

photo via imports from marrakesh