mediterranean salad



this salad is light, easy, healthy and absolutely perfect to eat all spring and summer long.  i love adding it to this plate for a complete meal.  and, i am very proud to say, the parsley in this came from my herb garden.  it was the first time i’ve “harvested” and it was so satisfying to just wander into the back yard and pick my own herbs. i am mildly impressed with myself for that one. i do have to tell you, i feel funny writing out instructions for how to make this because it’s just so simple and i usually just throw it together with no rhyme or reason. but here goes! 

the what:

2 cups diced cucumber

2 cups diced tomatoes

1 cup red onion, cut into small quarter moons

1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1/2 tablespoon of mint

2 tablespoons dried peruvian olives or kalmata olives, sliced

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

juice of 1/2 medium lemon

sea salt

the how:

chop all veggies and combine with parsley, mint and olives. for the dressing: in a seperate bowl mix olive oil, red wine vinegar & lemon juice. add 3/4 of dressing to the salad and mix well.  season with sea salt to taste.  enjoy!