holiday party finale!


i did it! i hosted my first adult party (non-roommate-hosted). which might not seem like a big deal to you, but to this obsessive compulsive over the top control freak, it was HUGE. and so fantastic! the most important thing i learned about hosting: ask for help, or accept when it’s offered! my friends saved my party-life.

heirloom la gifted their lasagna cupcakes (omg, SO delicious!!!), margaux came over early to help cook and brought the tastiest home-made peanut butter cups, annie made these yummy almond joys, and paige & kelly brought over dishes, cookies, and a golden unicorn to mix in with my crafty tree forest.

without all of their help i would have been too stressed out all day to enjoy a second of it! i wish i had taken more photos, but i was having too much fun drinking wine and chatting with all my girlfriends. oh well, next time!  here’s to the holidays! i hope you all are having so much fun!