last winter i saw this amazing felt ball wreath and was totally overcome with envy. so this year i busted out my hot glue gun and made my own! lou thought i was a bit crazy, (and it’s possible he’s right) but i loved every second of making this. doing anything creative with my hands that requires a little focus puts my mind at ease and calms down that inner chatter. and it’s the perfect colorful addition to our doorway, i’m so in love with it that i don’t know if i’ll be able to tuck it away after the holidays! do you think it works as every-day decor or is it better as a holiday treat? * buy your own wreath, or the balls to make one here!
mini christmas trees!
the holidays can be stressful, and i swear people become 40% less kind whilst driving this time of year. but you know what makes it all better for me? a solid 9 hours of back breaking crafting. if you ever receive an email invite from me entitled “craft city usa, my place” and an invite to “craft until your fingers bleed” you best believe i’m not joking around. and poor unsuspecting annie got roped into making 20 mini christmas trees with me the other day. (totally inspired by emily’s holiday decorating show!) but they’re so worth the hot glue gun burns and aching fingers, they transformed our bookcase into a magical christmas forest! if you’re doing crafty things this holiday season i want to see!
totally obsessed
our sweet lil christmas tree (and the loot!)
We are like a spastic 6 year olds when it comes to these presents. Every day we wonder if we should open “just one”, which one is the “favorite”, which one we’re each going to open first, what we think is in “the big one”, who is going to “win” Christmas this year, etc. This has been going on for weeks. ONE MORE DAY.