
Thank you all so much for the support, the emails, the comments, and the prayers about my health- they mean the world to me.  I never feel alone, even in the moments when I am, because of you and all of the other people who surround me with love in this world!  I’m so grateful.  

I’ve been mentioning tidbits about what’s going on with my health here and there but have been waiting to be closer to answers so I could share with you.  Since I started this blog I’ve been committed to sharing the struggles in my life right alongside all that is good, to remain authentic in telling my story in between the inspiration I share.  So today I’m going to give you all the nitty gritty details.  It’s wild to think about writing this for the interweb but if reading about my path to health can help even one other person find their light at the end of the tunnel or feel less alone in their own struggles I will lay it all out there!!!  Sit down with a cup of tea if you’re interested, this is a long one…

click to read yo