
I should tell you right up front that I’m a little spastically excited about today’s post!  Not because these chickpea cakelets are ridiculously awesome (they are) but because my amazing programmer and super hero designer Aileen have been working non-stop to update the site and now it has magical powers!  I switched over from Squarespace to WordPress and couldn’t be more thrilled with the change, it’s night and day for user experience and we’ve been able to add functions that I’ve been coveting forever!  So, spend a little minute poking around and definitely click through to see the rest of this post and the new features that will allow you to PRINT AND SAVE RECIPES!  It’s bananas good.  My other favorite new feature is the stacked commenting which will allow me to reply directly to your comments and the whole platform makes it SO much easier for me to keep up and respond to comments that you leave on older posts.  So I’m especially excited about that!!!!  Hope you love!  xx- Sarah

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click to read yo