Happy Friday my friends!  It’s a holiday weekend here in the States, which means lots of celebrating and fun!  We’ll be getting ready to go out on the road in the lady RV for a couple of weeks!  We’re hoping to wander all the way to the redwoods.  But we’ll see where the wind takes us!  I’ll be updating as we go, so I hope you’ll follow along on our adventures!  Until then, some links for the weekend after the jump!  xx- Sarah

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Friday Links


Happy Friday my friends!  For those of you celebrating a long weekend- horray!  I hope you’ve got some fun on the books!  We’re in the middle of house projects (we may never again NOT be in the middle of house projects, I’ve come to realize).  Good thing we like  good project!  HA!  But we’ve also got some time with friends and some other fun ahead.  Lastly, I just want to thank you.  Thank you for showing up here and reading.  Or just looking… I know that there are those of you who just look at the photos and bounce- I’m grateful for you too.  And below, some links I rounded up for your weekend entertainment.  I love them, I hope you will too!  xx- Sarah {image via}

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Friday Links


It’s Friday!  Hip Hip!  I’m in Miami (more on that tomorrow!).  I’m so excited to check out the beach, I’ve ogled other people’s Miami photos on Instagram enough to know it’s something special.  Any other recs for me?  I’m happy to say I’ve got some extra delicious recipes for you below.  I want to do nothing but spend time in the kitchen (and eat yummy things) this time of year.  And I think a lot of you are on the same page with me, right?!  I’ll be getting back to more rigorous food posting soon I promise.  In the meantime, enjoy the links below!  xx- Sarah  {image via}

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Happy Friday everyone!  It’s a good week to have a weekend, isn’t it?  I’m ready for some R&R, some good food, some friend-time.  Now, let’s talk about the images above… yesterday I stumbled across artist Kristi Kohut (via Ashley Kane) and just about fell out of my chair.  Her colorful paintings are a dream, her patterns are amazing, I’m pretty much just good ol’ fashioned obsessed.  I would hang all of the above in our house, quite happily! Pretty amazing, right?  Major inspiration.  And some more in a quick roundup of links after the jump. Happy weekending! xx – Sarah

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I can almost taste the weekend!  Can’t wait to take a little down time with Lou, starting with a movie date tonight.  What have you got on the books?  Hopefully lots of goodness with your loved ones and some quality R&R! I’ve rounded up some interweb inspiration for you below, and there’s also that spaghetti squash and hearty marinara sauce recipe I shared yesterday on Camille Styles! Have a great one!  xx- Sarah  {more after the jump}

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hi everyone!  can you believe that we’re halfway through the year?  i love thinking of june 1st a little bit like january 1st- a chance to look at what’s ahead, shake things up a bit, re-visit goals and just generally start fresh.  so tomorrow that’s what i’ll be doing, followed by a day of re-charging on sunday.  cannot wait!  what do you have planned for the weekend?  hopefully the links below will inspire you at some point… have a great one!  xx- sarah  {more after the jump}

lou and i are celebrating our 5 year dating anniversary today! (in my imagination, we’re here)

i added a new page to the blog for a permanent spot to share the things i’m coveting most!

a very helpful reminder… the choice is yours.

i can’t imagine i’d love this dress any less than a first born child.

so much sweetness here, what a beautiful life!

i’m going to give these a go, don’t they look so delicious?!

and also this, because grilled pineapple is ALWAYS a good idea.

have i mentioned before how much i love this tumblr?  so much.

lou’s birthday is in 14 days.  he asked for a party and this.  he will be forever young.

in case you missed it here, i think i’ve decided on a wallpaper for the guest bedroom/my office (found here).

someone recently emailed asking where i get my fonts…this is my favorite spot to find new ones!

j crew is doing something really fun with shorts this year!  loving these, these and these.

are you a wine drinker?  this could be handy!

on my summer reading list:  this classic, a sure to be hilarious book, and this- for obvious reason.

and last but most definitely not least… since i’m treating june 1st like new years i’m thinking about how i can make a house in the hills an even better place for us to hang out.  i created a little survey that i’d love if you’d take just a couple minutes to respond to… it’s only a few questions to guage whether ya’ll might like if i mixed things up a bit.  {and to find out where you live because i am always so fascinated by that!} so, if you will…. here’s the survey.  thanks so much in advance!  have a fantastic weekend friends!  xx- sarah

photo of georgia may jagger via