AS I’ve said, I’m dragging summer out for as long as I can. I’ll be mixing in some love for Fall soon though, don’t you worry. Oh yes cozy sweaters, I’m coming for you! But for right now, these fun summer pants from Parker is where it’s at. And I’m on the hunt for a patterned shirt that I can wear with them to mix it up a bit, turn myself into a real pattern explosion. Good times! xx- Sarah {more after the jump}
I’m not quite ready to let go of long days, warm breezes and summer style just yet. Although I’ve had my eyes on some cozy sweaters that will help ease me into the transition. Oh, and booties! Excited to work those back into heavy rotation. In the meantime, I snatched up this band of outsiders top at Shopbop’s last sale and have been pairing it with shorts most recently. But I’m liking it dressed up too, it’s a nice change from the blouses that are my go-to. xx- Sarah
I’m sure you think I’ve lost my mind for wearing a winter coat in September, IN THE DESERT. But let me ease your mind, it was on my body for no more than two long hot sweaty could not end quick enough minutes and then went directly into my suitcase for a trip to Maine, which I’ll already be in the midst of by the time this is posted. And Maine in September, if I remember right, can get a bit nippy at night. So, while I’m a lot of different varieties of crazy-pants, a winter coat wearer in the desert summer is not one of them. Is this even making sense? I’m packing fatigued. Besides, this post wasn’t meant to be about how I sometimes do really weird things for the sake of this site, it was meant to be about how freaking awesome these pants and shoes are, and how I bought the shoes in black too, because I AM that kind of crazy-pants. And I fully support my fellow double-up shoe buyers. We’re all in this together. xx- Sarah