Blackberry Galette


Blackberries were on sale at the market yesterday- three 1/2 pints for $5!  I nearly yelped when I saw them.  And then I scooped up my berrries and hustled home to make a galette.  And by hustled I mean waddled because I swear to you I am so pregnant that multiple neighbors have complimented me on my pregnancy stride (monkey covering eyes emoji).  No, that’s cool.  I’ll take any compliment I can get these days.  Anyway, back to the galette.  They’re the rustic baker’s pie, the lazy lady’s best friend, the thing that summer dreams are made of.  They’re so easy to make and such a treat to devour!  And I say devour because after I finished shooting this Lou served us each up a slice and one would not describe me as ladylike as I shoveled it into my mouth.  Ahhhh, pregnancy and galettes.  SO DELICIOUS!!! Recipe after the jump.  xx- Sarah


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