Life is about balance, right?  So I ate a batch of oatmeal banana cookies this weekend (it happens to everyone, doesn’t it?!), which meant I had to reel it in and serve up some healthy grains and vegetables to swing the health pendulum back over.  Parnsip fries, then this millet and broccolini salad.  It’s all about balance.  You with me?  And yes, I’ll be sharing the cookie recipe soon!  Happy Thursday!  xx- Sarah  {more after the jump}

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Since I’m abstaining from fried foods this month I thought I should probably come up with a recipe that would make me say “French fries, who?!”  Because living without the decadence of fries is just not ok with me.  So, these paprika parsnip fries were born.  Baked, not fried, and topped with a preserved lemon cashew cream sauce they’re vegan, healthy and COMPLETELY WONDERFULLY DECADENT!!!  Oh, and silly easy.  The trifecta of awesome, in my book.  French Fries who?  That’s right.  Have at it!  xx- Sarah  {more after the jump}

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When my acupuncturist said that I needed to start incorporating black sesame into my daily diet I was initially all “No problem, I’ll sprinkle those suckers on everything!”  And then she clarified:  I need to eat at least a tablespoon of them a day, toasted and ground, a little honey for sweetener.  A consummate over achiever I of course developed a recipe for tasty snack bars to make the tablespoon a day go down with a happy face.  And man, I’m so glad I did- they’re crazy good!  An aside:  If you’re interested in these sorts of things, read about the health benefits of black sesame here.  If you prefer the short and sweet of it, here it is: black sesame seeds are crazy good for you and MAY TURN YOU INTO A UNICORN!  I know!!!!!  So, do yourself a favor.  Make these bad boys.  Then eat them.  You will be so happy you did!

And because it’s the internet, and people be crazy googling shit like “how to turn into a unicorn” I think I should state that I am not a medical professional or scientist, the above post is based on my personal experience only. *Seriously, start typing “how to turn into a unicorn” in your google search bar and see what other seraches pop up as options, it’s pretty great!)   xx- Sarah  {more after the jump}

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I’m almost reluctant to share this recipe because I could totally serve it to friends for years to come and shrug off their compliments and oohs and ahhs with the casual “Oh, it was nothing!” to which they would think “riiiiggght, making jam is totally nothing!  That Sarah is such a domestic goddess!”.  But alas, now the cat is out of the bag.  This jam is so easy to make a puppy could do it.  That’s right.  Bean made this jam.  I KID I KID!  It was me.  But it was so easy I swear if she had thumbs and the ability to resist licking every last bit out of the pan she totally could have made it herself.  So, this weekend, get yourself a really beautiful loaf of sourdough from the farmer’s market, whip up a little batch of this chia jam, grind up some almond butter, and invite some friends over to enjoy it all with coffee and tea.  Lastly, give yourself a nice pat on the back.  You will have reached domestic goddess status with almost no efforts at all!  xx- Sarah  {more after the jump}

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Do you know what’s better than caramelized shallots?  NOTHING ON THE PLANET EARTH EVER!  At least that’s what my mouth told me after I scarfed down this bowl of soup.  Yes, I scarfed it, but I shouldn’t have.  It’s not the kind of soup you should scarf down, because peeling sunchokes is laborious and caramelizing shallots just so takes time!  It’s the kind of soup you should eat delicately (no slurping!) with a pinky lifted.  Whilst drinking champagne and perhaps talking about current affairs.  But important current affairs like state of the housing market, not like Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian’s divorce.  Save that talk for a bowl of chili, OK? Happy eating!  xx- Sarah  {more after the jump}

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Sometimes I think of things to make just for a reason to pull out the Siracha.  That’s normal, right?  Because man oh man, I sure do love that spicy goodness!  And today’s excuse to eat it was this broccolini fried rice. Which, as it turns out, was pretty insanely delicious even without it.  In case you have an aversion to the hot stuff!  (but WHY?!)  Hope you love!  xx- Sarah {more after the jump}

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