Friday Links


Happy Friday my friends!  For those of you celebrating a long weekend- horray!  I hope you’ve got some fun on the books!  We’re in the middle of house projects (we may never again NOT be in the middle of house projects, I’ve come to realize).  Good thing we like  good project!  HA!  But we’ve also got some time with friends and some other fun ahead.  Lastly, I just want to thank you.  Thank you for showing up here and reading.  Or just looking… I know that there are those of you who just look at the photos and bounce- I’m grateful for you too.  And below, some links I rounded up for your weekend entertainment.  I love them, I hope you will too!  xx- Sarah {image via}

This home tour- it was originally shared two years ago but I’m still in love with it all these years later.

I’d love to snack on a few of these, please.

It is very possible that THIS is the best incarnation of avocado toast ever.

My fellow dog lovers, need a laugh?  This is for you.

This is a sad but very important look into the lives of fast food/minimum wage workers.

And here is a place where you can donate money to help the 1 in 6 people in America who is facing hunger this very day.

The weather is warming and denim shorts are starting to get pulled out of the drawers.  So, if like me you’re always on the hunt for the perfect pair- here’s where I’m starting this year.

A funny read, and some good reminders about being happy with what you have.

Realizing that I’ll never have this dress gives me the same sad feeling I get when I realize I can’t have all of the dogs.

I want to eat this, please.

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