Friday Links


It’s Friday!  Hip Hip!  I’m in Miami (more on that tomorrow!).  I’m so excited to check out the beach, I’ve ogled other people’s Miami photos on Instagram enough to know it’s something special.  Any other recs for me?  I’m happy to say I’ve got some extra delicious recipes for you below.  I want to do nothing but spend time in the kitchen (and eat yummy things) this time of year.  And I think a lot of you are on the same page with me, right?!  I’ll be getting back to more rigorous food posting soon I promise.  In the meantime, enjoy the links below!  xx- Sarah  {image via}

First off, that colorful beauty of a salad up there- I want it right now please!!!

Oh my this sprouted buckwheat and coconut yogurt breakfast bowl is almost too pretty to eat!

I could eat these garlicky chickpeas all day, every day.

This makes me want to get a sourdough starter going ASAP!

This is exactly my kind of healthy bowl of goodness!

I’ve never met a pesto I didn’t like, and this recipe is looking mighty enticing.

This sweet little cup of magic is calling my name!!

Oh,  acorn squash soup.  Just that.

Some healthy take to work snack ideas for all of you 9-5ers.

A simple rhubarb chutney, would love to eat this on a hearty chunk of sourdough.

If you’ve never roasted an entire cauliflower, I highly recommend it.

I can’t wait to try these roasted baby eggplants.

This smashed avocado recipe is simple and delicious.  Just how I like it!


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Reader Comments

  1. Ann|

    I can never, ever get over just how GORG-WAH (gorgeous) you make food look. Just stunning. You have a real talent in food styling, seriously.

  2. Sherrie | With Food + Love|

    Hey Sarah!! Thanks for linking that beautiful roasted veggie salad that lives on blog but created by the the salad genius herself, Elizabeth Spark of Brooklyn Supper. She is one talented lady. Have a blast in Miami!!

    xo sherrie

  3. Cheryl|

    Looks so yummy!!! I have plenty of rhubarb in my garden, still have yet to test it out! This might be a try!
