Honeydew Basil Spritzer


Are you interested in drinking the most refreshing, delicious thing ever?  ME TOO!  Which is why I’m so happy to share this recipe with you.  There’s nothing complicated about this- it’s just a really brilliant combination of delicious ingredients.  Which is my favorite kind of recipe- cocktail or not!  Oh honeydew basil spritzer, I love you so!  Recipe and more after the jump.  xx- Sarah { recipe and photos by Sarah Dickenson for A House in the Hills}




Honeydew Basil Spritzer

Yield: 4-5 servings

Honeydew Basil Spritzer


  • 1/4 honeydew melon, diced
  • 1 package of basil
  • 4-5 ounces simple syrup
  • 1 bottle sauvignon blanc
  • 1 can soda water


  • Muddle a handful of melon, 3-4 basil leaves and 1 ounce simple syrup in shaker.
  • Fill wine glass 3/4 full with ice for large glasses and half full for small wine glasses.
  • Pour muddled fruit and basil over ice.
  • Add 4 oz of wine.
  • Top with a heavy splash of soda water.


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Reader Comments

  1. Roxanne|

    By some happy accident, I stumbled upon your blog and I am so happy I did. Thank goodness I had no plans for this Thursday morning because I have been completely caught up in your beautiful posts! xo

  2. Nina|

    Yum yum yum! I have 2 basil plants at home and I was wondering what to do with them (I mean, apart from toooons of pesto!) and this looks like the perfect cocktail to me!

  3. Stephanie|

    Looks so good! May I ask where your stemless wine glasses are from? They seem like a perfect size. Thanks!
