aren’t all of these spaces amazing?  i love looking at amazing homes and spaces online just about as much as i love being in a room with 25 wriggly little puppies.  you know, A LOT.  i haven’t been sharing our own home because a.) there hasn’t been a whole lot of progress and b.) i’ve got something else up my sleeve for sharing. but i promise, it’s coming one day and it’ll be well worth the wait!  for now, click through and check out more of these spaces for some inspiration:  1  /  2  /  3  (and see more interiors and exteriors that get me excited here!)

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Reader Comments

  1. Sarah of a fine line|

    That first one makes me weak in the knees it's so lovely. I saw that on d*s last week, and it has me reconsidering the possibility of a row home. With the back side of the house being all glass, they still had great light in all of their rooms, totally genius!

  2. Lyss|

    The first pic really gets me too. I love incorporating bright colours into spaces in my home but then start to feel awkward come fall. Which brings me to the last pic you have posted. I feel like that would be my fall/winter decor pic. Am I alone in this dilemma?

  3. claire yates|

    inspirational website – love this post – will be linking to my site. I am just starting into the blogosphere and find sites like yours an inspiration so thank you!

  4. Abby|

    That first photo – swoon. Everything about it is perfect, I love all the pops of color, I mean that rug is insane. Same with the pillows. Off to follow you on Pinterest now and track down where I can find those pillows and that rug!

  5. Jen@SunsetsandSwimmingpools|

    Yep. #1 – Seriously one of the prettiest combos I've ever seen. I want to hug the shit out of the whole room!!
    I now need a turquoise slat bench and some Guatemalan type fabric STAT. Have a great 4th everyone!! Stay cool

  6. Jennifer|

    Someone please tell me where to find those pillows and the rug! And those small mirrors in the bedroom collage. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
