hi friends!  as (kind of) usual i’ve put together some internet recommendations to get you through the weekend. have fun, spend time with friends & family, eat great food, rest up and i’ll see you next week!  xx- sarah

this girls blog gives me heart palpitations, of the good variety. hint: sister of this gal.

this has made me smile no less than seventeen times this week.

i adore her, adore this feature, couldn’t get enough of all of it.

mr jonathan adler is having a giant 50% off sale!

i just ordered this dress and am beside myself with excitement (also here).

there’s been a lot of bean and nugget going on over here, in case you like extreme cuteness.

some very inspiring spaces to peep at, i’m loving the details!

i also just ordered this and these which is going to add up to SO MUCH DELICIOUSNESS around here!

this has me extra excited about the season premier of arrested development!

how fun/yummy/pretty are these?! 

this looks like an exceptionally tasty treat that i might just have to try.  before i run a marathon or something.

loved this office tour (and even more here).

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Reader Comments

  1. Ana|

    Oh I want the ice cream maker too. It would be so fun to make own combinations, like chocolate & raspberry. :) Have a nice long weekend!

  2. Tania|

    Oh gosh I love every single link. That pug, that office, Ice cream, ice cubes, YOUR DOG!! I'll be stalking your instagram for the next 10 min. Just so you know x
