aileen and kevin’s house


my friend and go-to designer aileen (responsible for the birds of a feather website and a house in the hill’s logo and blog design) just shared her home on design sponge.  and it’s so cute that i have to share!  aileen and her husband kevin were buying their home around the same time that we were, so as we were going through the process we traded war stories about dealing with the banks and then eventually moved into our new homes around the same time as well.  i’m kind of blown away with how much they’ve done to get settled in their place already!  i love how light, modern and clean it is.  it’s so perfectly suited to their style.  hope you love as much as i do!  {more after the jump}



head on over to design sponge to see more of their fab home!   

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  1. cara|

    Hi doll, I just added your lovely blog to my reading list! Love love love!
    BTW, your wedding dress- GORGE!
