What Are the Foundational Principles of Minimalist Decor?

What Are the Foundational Principles of Minimalist Decor?

Minimalism has taken over the design world; you can see it in houses, stores, offices, websites, and so much more. This design style is all the rage. This sleek style is all about clean lines, unclutter, and simple designs. The simple beauty of minimalism is undeniable, and that’s why the design industry is filled with minimalist decor ideas.

There is more to minimalism than just putting a few pieces of furniture in a room against a white backdrop. There is a way to design things in a minimalist style properly; if you do not know how to do it, that’s fine.

This article will explain the foundational principles of minimalist decor so that you fully understand what minimalism is all about.

Minimalist Interior Design Ideas

Minimalism is all about having things that add meaning and value to your life while removing anything else that does not matter. You remove any clutter from your life, house, and office so that you can focus on what really matters. The phrase “less is more” is the key to a minimalist approach. Without further ado, let’s get into the foundation principles of minimalist decor.

1. Functionality is Key

Functionality is Key

Everything done in a minimalist style has a specific function. There are no extra things or clutter. The furniture and furnishings are all selected for a particular purpose. The sofa, chairs, dining table, artwork, small tables, bed, study table, light fixtures, and more have form and add value to the room.

2. Quality Fixtures and Furnishings

Quality Fixtures and Furnishings

Minimalism is about having less but not always spending less. You can buy high-quality furnishings and fixtures even when you are buying less of them. If they are of the higher quality, then they will last a very long time, and you will have to keep replacing them. You can decorate without cluttering your room.

3. Multifarious Materials

 Multifarious Materials

Minimalist style might be monochromatic, but it does have to be boring. The color palette might be subtle or muted instead of bold and loud, but you can still have an amazingly decorated house. You can use various textures and materials like glass, wood, cloth, or others when decorating your house. This technique and other decor ideas can be applied in your home as well as in your office.

4. One Standout Furniture Piece

One Standout Furniture Piece

Minimalism is all about simplicity, but it does not mean you cannot showcase anything. You can have one piece of furniture that stands out from everything else in the room. This piece of furniture will pull focus towards itself, and everything else will complement it. You can build a story or theme around this particular piece of furniture.

5. One Statement Art Piece

One Statement Art Piece

In a minimalist style, you can have art on your walls. It might seem counterproductive, but it will look perfect. Put up one large piece of artwork and let it dominate the room. The artwork can be any color; it does not have to be muted or subtle. It can be bright and bold as long as it follows the form and function principles and the artwork ties into the interior design of the room.

6. Accented Elements

Accented Elements

Your minimalist room does not have to be in one muted color. The room can have a neutral decor with an element in a contrasting color. These elements can include artwork, a feature wall, or a piece of furniture. This accented element draws people’s attention and looks like a surprise element.

7. Simple Furniture

 Simple Furniture

Furniture pieces have changed so much since the time of its inception. Nowadays, you can find so many abstract themes in furniture, making it much harder to pick one. As you look through decor ideas, you will find furniture pieces to be simple, and the other decor elements can be the main focus.

8. The View is Everything

The View is Everything

If you are lucky to have a spectacular view, then you are in luck with minimalist decor. The view can be the centerpiece in any room, and your guests will be blown away. You will not have to decorate that room too much; the view will be the focal point, pulling everybody’s attention. Simple furniture will do the trick; maybe a few plants or some artwork that blends into the background without taking anything away from the view.

9. Open Space

Open Space

Many people fill up every room with so much stuff that it becomes overwhelming. There is space, so people think it should not be empty. In minimalism, open space is welcome. You can have minimal furniture and decorations and let the open space be a part of the interior design. You do not have to fill the space with anything; sometimes, space itself is a design element. Just sit back and take the minimalist interior design.

10. Lights as Minimalist Decor

Lights as Minimalist Decor

Chandeliers might be high-quality and a centerpiece, but they do not fit into the minimalist design approach. But lighting can be used as a decorative item in minimalism. Nowadays, lighting fixtures have become so different and stylish that they have become works of art by themselves. Lightings like drop lights or pendant lights will look gorgeous, dangling around the furniture.

Final Thoughts

Minimalism is a style all about simplicity, monochromism, and sleekness. It is not about decorating with as few pieces of furniture and furnishings as possible. If you follow the design guidelines for minimalism, then it will look spectacular everywhere you apply them. You should give minimalist interior design a try, especially if you are looking to redecorate your house or office.

You will be surprised how beautiful it turns out. Lucky for you, this article has explained the foundation principles of minimalist decor, and now you are filled with minimalist ideas for your next project.

Please write in the comments below whether you have used minimalist designs, why you chose the minimalist style, where you apply the minimalist style techniques, and anything else you think others should know about minimalist decor.

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