Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Wood Stove?

Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Wood Stove?

Summer is almost here. The days are longer, the sun hotter, and a fire in a wood stove might begin to seem like a crazy idea right now.

Nonetheless, the summer could actually be a good time to make a purchase high quality wood burning stoves. In this article we will discuss some of them to help you choose the best option if you are planning to purchase one right now.

Summer: A Surprisingly Good Time to Get a Wood Stove

Summer: A Surprisingly Good Time to Get a Wood Stove

Although you might think we’re crazy right now, there are actually plenty of good reasons why you might want to buy a wood stove during the hotter months. Let’s explore some of them.

Off-Season Discounts

The most obvious advantage to shopping for a wood stove in summer is that this in no way is when most people are thinking of purchasing a wood stove. Hence, off-season discounts!

And since retailers often deeply discount cold weather-related items to clear inventory, you may also find significantly reduced prices on both the stove itself and the installation.

Availability and Selection

The potential savings are the most obvious reason for shopping for winter gear during summer, but the broader range of options you have to choose from is another good reason to buy a wooden stove during the warmer months.

Retailers will generally have more options in stock because people don’t tend to buy them as much in the warm months. Which means that you have a better chance of finding the model that suits you, the aesthetics you’re looking for, and that has the technical support you might need.

Popular models can and do sell out during the busiest winter months, so if you want the best possible stove, you may be waiting a while for it to be restocked or settle for a less ideal option. And this is something that just doesn’t happen during the summer.

Preparing for Winter Comfort

Installing a wood stove in summer also means you are well prepared when winter does rear its ugly head. You can learn at your own pace where everything needs to be set up and how to use your new stove properly and without an incident so you can start a fire when you really need it.

This training period is very important for new owners of a wood stove. You can spend these months laying in a supply of wood to burn through the winter, becoming an expert at heating with your stove, or maybe, just perhaps, discovering that the flue you thought was cleaned a year ago, is actually still plugged.

Also, the early setup allows you to correct any problems long before they become critical. If there are any modifications to be made, or more parts need to be added on, you have the time to do it without the need to rush due to winter approaching.

Buying that Perfect Wood Burning Stove

Buying that Perfect Wood Burning Stove

Okay, we hope the idea of buying a stove in summer doesn’t sound so crazy right now! Let’s explore a few tips to make this process way easier for you.

Spend the summer educating yourself as a buyer. Check into reviews and consumer reports to get the low-down on how various brands and models perform and hold up over time. There are forums and social media groups of wood stove enthusiasts where you can find invaluable knowledge and first-hand experiences.

In your research, you should ask about the money you need to spend, the fuel economy of different models, maintenance costs and the possibility of parts replacement.

If you do your due diligence and take the time to learn as much as possible, your chances of making the best purchase decision will be higher; and it will more likely be a decision that balances cost, efficiency and comfort with overall performance. Also, you will be that much closer to being happy with your new wood stove.

All in all, while buying a wood stove in the summer might seem somewhat backward, there are plenty of benefits to taking a look at them during the off season. Yes, there are issues with storage, up front costs, etc – but in the long-term, it is worth it.

And thanks to summer specials, an extra supply of awesome models to choose from, and some preparation well in advance of winter, you can bask in the comfort and splendor of a wood stove when you need it most.

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