How Houston's Extreme Heat Impacts Your Air Conditioning Unit

How Houston’s Extreme Heat Impacts Your Air Conditioning Unit

Houston air conditioning units are some of the most stressed in the nation. The extreme heat waves and high humidity of this climate mean that your air conditioner is going to run much harder and longer to keep you comfortable.

When outside temperatures skyrocket, your air conditioner may begin to show signs that it can’t keep up or even make unusual sounds. It’s doing its best to cool your space and remove humidity from the air. Homeowners in this city must make sure they get professional AC maintenance at proper intervals so their systems can keep up.

The impacts of the heat and humidity can be an HVAC system’s undoing. Here’s a look at what these things can do to your system.

Houston Heat and Humidity’s Impact on Your AC Equipment

Heat impact on AC units in Houston causes your system to work harder on the heat exchange process. That means it is doing twice the work as more heat is coming into your home, and with the hotter air outdoors, it makes it more difficult for your AC to block out this heat.

As for humidity, when it is in excess levels, it also causes your AC system to work harder to keep the air from feeling damp or clammy. Your equipment is going into overdrive, and in a city like Houston, it is essential that you keep up with proper maintenance to keep it from breaking down.

Get the Most Out of Your Air Conditioner During Extreme Heat

You might not be able to control the weather, but you can take control of your air conditioner to maximize its effectiveness during extreme heat.

Set Your Thermostat

Pick a comfortable temperature for your home and set your thermostat. This makes it run more efficiently. While it is helpful to adjust your thermostat when you are away, don’t make an adjustment more than a few degrees of difference. Ranging your away temperatures too far to the extreme will make it harder for your air conditioner to pull the heat out of your home.

Keep Things Clean

On your end, keep up with changing your air filters for the best efficiency. You will also want to schedule maintenance to have the coils cleaned, which goes a long way in helping your system function its best.

Limit Usage of Heat-Producing Appliances

During extreme heat in Houston, it is ideal that you avoid running your heat-producing appliances during the hottest parts of the day. Turn off lights that you aren’t using and limit your usage of stoves, ovens, and dishwashers.

Turn on Your Fans

Ceiling fans help circulate the air, keeping things more comfortable. They also keep your HVAC system from having to work harder.

Use Your Window Shades

Draw your curtains to block out the harshest rays from the sun. This will help your home stay cooler during a heat wave.

Check Your Insulation

The insulation in your attic helps keep cold air from escaping, trapping it inside for more comfortable temperatures. If there are problems with your insulation, make sure you have it redone to help keep your AC from running itself ragged.

How You Can Help Your AC Keep Up Even in Extreme Heat

When the temperatures in Houston get into the triple digits, you have to remember to think realistically. Your unit is doing its job if you can cool your home down to 72 on an ultra-hot day.

You shouldn’t wait until something goes wrong, either. Preventative maintenance is the key to helping your AC keep up with these brutal temperatures. Make sure you schedule a tune-up prior to excessive heat to help you keep your cool.

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